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Everything posted by jinx

  1. jinx

    2022 NFL DRAFT

    Yet zero from UT
  2. Do we have ANY draft eligible players? I seriously can’t think of one. Not sure why you would think DT doesn’t have a long way to go. Those guys suck.
  3. That’s my fetish
  4. They brought in an assistant coach for relief. That’s not allowed is it?
  5. There is an entire George R R Martin novel on the wall.
  6. No. Actually, it seems we have decided to skip that phase this year.
  7. Why would any LB want to play for Aranda instead of our record setting defensive staff?
  8. Just here to register my fuck off to the LHN. Not sure how I can watch everything else on ESPN+ except for games on that shitty network.
  9. Who on the OL is this? I don’t keep up with faces without numbers but I recognize the skill set.
  10. I agree completely. I bought into all the hype with the portal guys. And I will say they are all good basketball players but none are elite athletes. This team is one of the least talented Texas teams in 2 decades in my opinion. But damn they play hard and never quit.
  11. Mistook you for Hobbes I guess. My bad. I think that one was 50/50 but never saw feet synched up with the last to touch it. Seemed Purdue had last physical contact, but whatever. Like someone said earlier, the one that killed me was the bailout call when we had Ivey pinned in the corner. They saw some tick tack foul and walked Ivey out of his trap in the corner right to the double bonus free throw line. Both things can be true. Texas was going to have more fouls by the nature of the game and did. And the refs sucked shit through a straw and gave almost every benefit of the doubt call to Purdue. They were ready to blow the whistle as soon as Lurch got the ball every time. I seem to remember big Cam Williams getting reverse treatment, where he got murdered all game with no calls and any time he touched anyone he was called for a foul.
  12. I’ve seen you say this five times now. I would just say that it took the refs like five minutes to figure out what was apparently so obvious.
  13. That was less frustrating because I had wanted Shaka fired for years and was pretty certain it was the nail in the coffin. It was sad that it didn’t even shock me. I wish we had those players for this game for Beard to coach. Probably a different result.
  14. Most frustrating basketball game I may have ever watched. 29 points off of free throws. I get that we are drastically outmatched, but absolutely nothing went our way. Fuck Purdont
  15. There’s the toughness right there!
  16. Baylor has always played tougher than us. We matched them last game until the last few minutes. Hoping we keep the intensity to the end today.
  17. Rori is fantastic and the main reason I have high hopes for our tournament showing this year
  18. Thanks. This is my fear. I just know she lit it up in early games. Or maybe just that one. Was hoping she could be a star.
  19. Can anyone tell me why Kendall Hunter isn’t playing? I know she injured her foot but that was November. Is there something else?
  20. So I can pay $200 a month for TV I don’t watch to have LHN? I could also just fly to Austin for the weekend and see the games in person.
  21. Sometimes it’s good for the kids to lose. - Mack Brown
  22. It’s been a debate and I’ve been part of it. I am 99% sure that the only way to get LHN is through cable. I haven’t been able to watch even though I pay for ESPN+ since I don’t get it through cable. I’ve asked the question and no one seemed to have a definitive answer, but I think it is certain that ESPN+ doesn’t give you LHN. It frankly pisses me off. I would pay $5 or whatever to sign up for it like ESPN+, or HBO or HULU. But instead my only option is to pay $150 a month for some shitty cable service that I won’t watch just to have LHN. I’m ready for LHN to be history.
  23. Also, we didn’t really want to be there either.
  24. I’m 99% positive that LHN doesn’t come with ESPN+ but would be available on the ESPN app if you get LHN through your cable provider. I don’t get it but pay for ESPN plus and have YouTube Tv (no LHN).
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