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Everything posted by jinx

  1. In the first five minutes I think. It was early on. I had to rewind to be sure I heard it right
  2. I meant I shoulda known that all of the posts were absolute nonsense. At least no posts of guns and bourbon.
  3. How the hell did nobody point out the fact Sark called Kirk Kurt?
  4. I clicked in here now trying to figure out what kind of absolute nonsense Sark could even manage after Saturday. I should have known...
  5. jinx

    Casey Thompson

    Based on watching this 5 times and pausing to try to guess where the WR broke free, I think this is the point where you let it fly to the middle of the hashes or slightly to the right since nobody is there except the ref. This is the classic throwing the WR open Sark is talking about and was one of the few mistakes Casey made. If he can stop hesitating and start letting those fly it will do wonders for the offense, and show the ability to be as explosive passing as we were running. I have no real issue with the QB handling to date. I thought after the spring game that Card had more upside and you should go with the younger player if they are close in competition. After Arkansas, I think this team needs a leader like Thompson at QB. I think his ceiling is lower, but his current floor is a good bit higher. We need his apparent bravado in the huddle right now. Some player has to give this team confidence, and from what I have seen from him, he may be the guy to do it.
  6. And people wanted to join the PAC…
  7. jinx


    If something is soft, you can make it hard. - Charlie Strong
  8. jinx


    To be fair to Mike Price, pussy is still undefeated
  9. The early days of Barking Carnival were as good as the Longhorn net has ever been.
  10. Past performance isn't indicative of future results, but Arkansas hasn't won more than 4 games in a season since 2016. I mean, they didn't just suck last year, they have sucked for quite a while. Sure they may be improved this year, but they aren't going to the playoff.
  11. First off, it was a joke based on thatguy's comment on how good we could be if we stopped making glaring mistakes (which we have done for 12 years pretty consistently). So calm down. Second, I didn't mean just the players, the coaches are at least 50% of the problem over the last 12 years. But if you somehow think getting blown out by Arkansas Saturday was better than losing to Cal, or Maryland, or blown out by BYU or any of the other humiliating losses we have suffered since 2010, I don't know what to tell you. I hope you guys still high on kool aid are right and Sark is the guy to fix this. BUT, his 2nd data point as head coach at Texas was not good in any way shape or form.
  12. The story of the last 12 years. If they just stop playing absolutely shit football they could be pretty good.
  13. 4,2,1,X,5, X 6,3 After homework is done of course.
  14. jinx


    The comments Bijan made postgame about trying to settle Hudson down were all I needed to hear. Play the upperclassman. This team needs all the leadership it can get, and I think Casey provides that better than Hudson at this point.
  15. This bunch of pussies isn’t beating Fat Pat. That will be as bad or worse than Arkansas
  16. I wish someone could figure out how 4 and 5 stars turn into pussies and coaches turn stupid by simply donning the Longhorn logo.
  17. Everything about Texas play was absolute dogshit. Including the play calling.
  18. Texas football no longer matters. Face it. We are Nebraska.
  19. Another shitty coach. Another 5 years of shit results. Yay!!!
  20. What a pussy. That was the worst football all I have seen in 30 years. Absolutely dogshit coaching. Holy shit I am sick of useless coaching.
  21. The guys on The Blitz went through snap numbers, and our starting WRs were on the field for almost 90% of the snaps. I don't remember all of the snap #s but I do remember that Kai Money only had 1. I think Moore and Worthy had 60 of 72(ish) and JWhitt had 48 or so since he was the sub for our 2nd TE or RB. I loved when Sark said in his presser that he looked at Brewer after the first Bijan run after the long catch by Whittington and read his body language to say "we are whipping these guys ass, what is the play?" So he just called the same inside zone play a 2nd time and Bijan scored.
  22. It was definitely their most dominant decade over us
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