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Everything posted by jinx

  1. After the 25 minute Covid infomercial that was the "pre-game show," I was about ready to turn it off too. Hey media! We fucking know about Covid! We don't need it shoved down our throat every chance you get.
  2. I listened to about 15 seconds and hoped that girl isn’t trying to make a profession out of this.
  3. The University of Texas - home of some of the best players and worst coaches around.
  4. It isn’t Monday
  5. jinx

    Caden Sterns

    Hey Caden, Admiral McRaven would like a word with you. Make your damn bed bro, especially if it is gonna be on TV. Another wasted 5 star at Texas.
  6. Damn. I blocked him last night (now unnecessarily), then missed the nuclear crowd sourcing because I had actual work to do today. I feel like I really missed out on an important event in the history of this site.
  7. Did you just reveal yourself as hornfromdallas? I thought you were the only real insider. Puzzle pieces clicking into place...
  8. I would, but I put him on ignore last night. 3rd person overall on that list, so congrats Carl.
  9. Except I don’t like the way he talks
  10. He is like Danger Snacks but somehow dumber and way less entertaining
  11. Then they should leave. Fuck any of our players that bad mouth our school. Aggy is a shit hole school in a shit hole town. Their current flame will burn out just like it did in the 90s, and what did they have to show for their time as “big brother” then. I’m in SEC country and just about everyone here has come around to the fact that aggy are weirdos at best and a cult at worst. They are the punchline. Always have been and always will be.
  12. Kirk Johnson was about the same I think. Workout warrior that liked flexing in the mirror and showing chicks his abs that never made it to the football field
  13. Hats on tables. Can't leave that out. Bonus for mad moms when you pick the wrong hat.
  14. Your kid will grow up. Think of his / her future for chrissakes.
  15. If he knows the poon quality from the 70s and 80s he is closer to Brat territory
  16. So we may have already beaten this to death, but every time I hear Yale I think of my wife’s cousin that went there. Brilliant girl but got a degree in Art History or some dumb shit and went back to school a few years later at a commuter school to get an Accounting degree to pay the bills.
  17. AKA the Bobby Bowden principle Dadgummit.
  18. Let me start by saying I know absolutely nothing about his case, but... I rode in a stolen car once and had no clue until after when I got out and my “friends” asked if I wanted the tennis racket in the back seat. Found out later that they had some universal key for Nissans and would joyride them and ditch them. Never stole them was what they told themselves. Water is wet, women have secrets and high schoolers do dumb shit.
  19. I’ve never been a coach but I did play in HS. From that experience I would say all of the recent info in this thread really sucks.
  20. New surly motto?
  21. No doubt that was true of the Herman teams. Hell, his two best wins (OU and UGA) both should have been blowouts but Turtle Tom took his foot off of the throttle.
  22. FAU also hired Coach Meh as Co-OC. Willie Taggart is really impressive in his ability to ruin programs.
  23. Congrats to you for forgetting the one bowl game he did make. I was there in person and I am still emotionally scarred.
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