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  1. I thought the same thing but watching the replay. He grabs the ball and falls forward. But also there was 5 defenders converging on him and was going to destroy him. The best outcome was for him to go down and take the safety
  2. Do you know coal is at the highest production level it has ever been?
  3. Because that's what the next big "break though" is. Mag 7 stocks account for 35 percent of the value in the S&P 500. If AI fails. Our economy fails.
  4. Google has pretty much ditched their net zero stance and so has the rest.
  5. I work at a data center in Omaha and yeah. We use a ton of energy. The pivot to AI no one forecasted the immense power use. Now everyone is buying land ahead of time and trying to sign long term agreements with the energy provider. It's insane.
  6. You don't get natural circulation on a shutdown reactor. You need pumps. Natural circulation only works at power because of the large Delta T between your hot leg and cold leg. Once you shut down your delta T comes closer and closer until you get to 0 and you no longer have a delta T. Anything with a moderator that is water is going to have a negative coefficient. If the water gets hotter it becomes less dense. Your collisions get much smaller
  7. I lost 30 lbs between October and December. Proof that you can outwork your bad habits. I still drink 4 times a week and eat really shitty. I was working out 5 days a week and running about 25 miles a week. The secret was putting a 25 lb dumbbell in my backpack and walking 25k steps a day.
  8. I was told by my buddy at SUBLANT that they got told to go home.
  9. For sure the Red Rippers and the Gettysburg are sworn enemies until the end of time.
  10. The crew of the Gettysburg also knows where it's going. Admirals mast!
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/us/second-us-navy-fighter-jet-narrowly-avoided-being-shot-down-friendly-fire-incident-source Gettysburg almost shot down 2 jets that night and they have confirmed they fucking fired missiles at them
  12. The only thing I don't like about that theory is the two radar contacts would be coming from completely different directions.
  13. It's not cheating if it's your own missile
  14. The Gettysburg is painting a F18 on the side of its hull as we speak.
  15. Rumor is the Gettysburg got told to pack their shit and go home. That's gotta be pretty embarrassing.
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