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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Reminds me of college when we played aggy. They were dominating us then their top guy steals it. Goes uncontested to the basket then tries for a 360 dunk and gets rejected by the rim. We end up winning
  2. Yeah. Trump isn't invading Canada. Do I see spec ops going into Mexico to fight cartels. That's a maybe but we tend to look down on Mexico. Canada is too white for us to justify an invasion
  3. Quinn is not Japan. He couldn't run a QB sneak much less sneak attack Pearl Harbor. I guess he isn't America either. America threw two long bombs against Japan. Quinn throws wounded ducks.
  4. My META stock went from 740 two weeks ago to 590 today. Wow........
  5. Cause they ain't here to play school
  6. X gonna give it to you
  7. If the media were smart. They would start calling Elon Musk President Musk. Trumps ego would not be able to withstand it
  8. If the European nations had any balls. They would make a resolution to dissolve NATO. Form a new coalition with all the same rules. Exclude the US. And then let Ukraine into this new group. Poland is pretty confident they can take on Putin by themselves. That's leaves Trump on the sidelines and the European leaders driving a peace agreement.
  9. Yeah. Everyone is kinda walking around and waiting for round 2. This time it's going to be re org
  10. I think the article was talking about the individual multiplier. Which is 65-225. My target bonus is only 15 percent. Execs are 20. The company and individual multiplier makes it higher.
  11. Hope Mr. Shelton has a quick recovery
  12. Yeah lots of boomer rangs. It's really tough to get an internal promotion and then when you get a 4-8 percent pay raise. It's a bit tough to stay seated to one company when the recruiter is poaching and they give a huge signing bonus and a 20 percent bump in salary for the competition that is across the street.
  13. If I was a federal employee my 5 bullet points would be Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Because I spit hot fire
  14. FartingMonk


    Lotsa boobs in the first 10 minutes
  15. Our nightmare has come true. America is getting destroyed by an African American.
  16. Get aluminum foil where the battery connectors went. It should be enough to make contact to get the battery to connect.
  17. Honestly the people that got cut from our team were indeed low performers and got cut for good reason. One guy got hired on the same time I did and we are given x amount of time to be able to go off on our own and do stuff. Before we are certified we can work from home or go to the office as long as we do 40 hours. 14 months later. He still wasn't done and just taking up space. When he was at work he was watching the news. He would say in front of management hey, you guys know I'm part of the team. I can start leading projects. Management would tell him he needed to get qualified first. He would mumble I'll get around to that. I want to lead this project. As far as the exec bonus. They just made it like everyone else's. If you outperformed you are eligible for 200 percent bonus. For us everyday guys it goes from 65 percent for low performers-225 percent for the unicorns
  18. Didn't Luck commit to Stanford super early? I remember the Houston Chronicle had a recruiting piece that used to be really good and I think Luck committed super early and wasn't even open to anywhere else.
  19. Deon Beasley was supposed to be the one that made it. Good thing for Texas. Deon Beasley was the reason Earl Thomas popped up on Texas radar.
  20. There are about 400 ships in the Navy. There are 168 admirals. 3600 Captains and 5000 Commanders. Kinda top heavy on management don't you think. Where is your piss and vinegar that you throw at the corporate world when it comes to top heavy management?
  21. I'm not complaining my bonus came out to 40 percent. The RSUs were laughable because it was at a cost of 700 bucks
  22. https://www.foxnews.com/us/uss-harry-s-truman-commanding-officer-relieved-after-collision-merchant-ship-near-suez-canal He gone
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