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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. The decla of independence was so effective because John Hancock signed it in invisible ink
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/01/politics/west-bank-settlers-executive-order/index.html Read the headline wrong. Was more sensational than it read. They are just trying to sanction West Bank Israeli settlers for inciting violence. My bad
  3. She was actually found in a life raft by a passing ship. Captain asked her what was wrong and she told him "nothing" so he drove off.
  4. There are more planes in the bottom of.the ocean than there are ships
  5. Nuke college station to send a message
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/media/woman-allegedly-scammed-100-million-army-shes-retiring-army-benefits That is fucking awesome. She even gets to retire with a full federal pension.
  7. Yeesh if we are being bitches about flying F-18s against a bunch of amateurs then that definitely means we don't have the resolve to launch airstrikes against Iran. If we are being that big of bitches. Just bring everyone home
  8. I didn't like him until I started watching the new heights podcast. He's pretty funny and seems like a good dude.
  9. I'm a huge 49ers fan. But damn Travis Kelce is a lucky man. He plays football for work. He bangs a billionaire for sport.
  10. Had stuff left in my fridge that I had to cook before my work trip
  11. Xanax and liquor
  12. That's a shot to both Aggy and Seahawks.
  13. Gonna rub one out for the dead homie
  14. I have a concert in Iceland. Dropped my mixtape a few weeks before. Sorry for partying
  15. If the plug don't fit. You must aquit
  16. I completely believe that report. 100 percent.
  17. Shrimp chow fun
  18. My dick tastes like your asshole?
  19. If it's an inch a girl then I owe someone half a girl
  20. Tomahawks are leased from Raytheon. We don't get billed for it unless we shoot it. Either some admiral got promised a cushy defense contractor job if we shot them or they were going to have go through recertification and Raytheon promised an admirals brother a cushy defense contractor job. Either way Raytheon is winning this war.
  21. Yeah. Boeing already knows their QA program is messed up. But that part of the delivery is "welcome to the world of acceptance testing and warranty period" Customer is behind. Company really wants the product. There is a hey take it as is. If anything breaks in a year we fix it. It's so standard across all industries right now it's pretty laughable
  22. Didn't that plane have over 150 successful flights before the plug blew off? Was it not already in Alaska's ownership when the pressure warning lights came on? I mean a good surly lawyer might argue that it was a helluva over designed airframe and Alaska should have properly investigated the warning lights.
  23. There is no agreement if it means Hamas gets to stay in power. The Hamas leadership should be smarter than that and ask for exile and amnesty
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