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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. It's because of Jordan and Egypt get involved. The Israelis after they beat the shit out of them will force the Palestinians out into either Jordan or Egypt. Whichever one fought them. Jordan and Egypt don't want Palestinians just as much as Israel doesn't want them.
  2. Yeah. You don't win until the ideology dies.
  3. So much shrimp I got iodine poisoning
  4. Except that fire extinguishers can be useful
  5. I ran into oh fire extinguishers are on sale a few weeks ago
  6. Just gotta close your eyes and walk out with the chicken. Otherwise it becomes a really expensive chicken fast
  7. I bought a bird on Tuesday Ate two of the drum sticks for dinner Chopped up the rest and froze it. Made quesadillas with it last night. Made chicken fried rice with it tonight. Probably doing ramen with it tomorrow. Pretty versatile for 5 dollar chicken.
  8. Costco chicken into chicken fried rice
  9. What is bullshit is since the early 2000s. LEOs were taught. Active shooter scene. You go in. If someone arrives at the same time as you. You tag team. But you go in. You go in until the threat is stopped. You walk by someone who needs triage. You go in and you eliminate the threat. You fucking go in. They hosted a regional active shooter drill a few months prior. You FUCKING go in.
  10. Cooking for myself isn't that fun so I went easy tonight. I decided I'm gonna do Costco chicken around the world. Started with quesadillas tonight. Surprisingly very good
  11. But getting back to the Houthis, you think there's any winnable situation out of this? I honestly don't. No one has the heart to invade right now. And then even if we decide to invade and beat them. Then what? They have learned the Talibans playbook. Just wait us out. We will leave eventually.
  12. I like the payoff thing. It reminds me of the time I went to Saudi lite(Qatar). Did some research on them and the reason they are still the ruling party is because everyone is getting paid. 300,000 citizens. Each person gets a mid 6 figure salary a year by virtue of being a citizen. The other 3 million are basically slave labor from around the world. They are some vice-y motherfuckers for being devout Muslims.
  13. They really take the enemy of my enemy is my friend to a different level. It's like 8 different spider mans pointing to each other meme. To top that off. I wonder how stable the alliance between the House of Saud and the Wahabs are. Bin Salman has to be walking real tight rope right now with those Wahabbis.
  14. That's a good powder keg. I also wonder when the Taliban is going to piss them off again. I remember in the late 90s before we were even involved in Afghanistan, the Taliban did something ( I think it was behead 4 missionaries) but it pissed off the Iranian government enough to put 100,000 troops on the border and threatened to go in and invade Afghanistan. The Middle East is the most unpredictable shit show in the world. Sometimes I bet the US is wishing for Saddam to be back.
  15. Yeah, but for far too long they have listening to consultants that told them they have to cut costs to prop up stock price. Maybe the pendulum swing will go back to being more engineering centric and tell the business group to eat a bag of dicks. But we know what's going to happen. It rights the ship barely and then back to business.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/16/investing/boeing-stock-faa-investigation/index.html Oof. They brought in former head of NAVSEA08 to right the wrongs. Admiral Donald is the right person to get shit right. He is no nonsense and will tell these MBA business group people to get the fuck out of his way.
  17. I will happily admit that I am wrong. I like new technology and new uses. Glad the heat pumps are working out for you guys.
  18. Read about them for some future designs on cooling at work. Haven't seen them in action so I have no opinion on them.
  19. They size it for the 20 degree delta because thats where it is most efficient. You over size it then you're wasting efficiency and it's gonna use just as much energy as your typical HVAC.
  20. You were probably looking at the trading floor. They have everyone producing and every sector using. This morning a plant or two in Houston dropped out because of a blown transformer. One of those big boys. The wind is also lower than expected and 6-10 AM cloud coverage puts solar on the sideline for minute
  21. You don't have to believe me. The last place I lived in Seattle we had a brand new heat pump installed because govt incentives. It worked great for Seattle weather, but when that heat dome hit. (Temps 99 and above for 8 days). That thing was pretty much useless. The heat pumps are great for maintaining temperature but bringing temperature down was almost impossible. Hit that 31 days of heat y'all had last year and you'll bitch about the heat pump just the same way people in Eastern Washington do.
  22. Must have gotten one of them water filled warheads from China
  23. I used to be a really frantic cooker. Then I started doing mise en place. It takes a lot of the strain off of cooking.
  24. Because heat pumps in Texas would be extremely stupid and not effective at all.
  25. My garage door from inside
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