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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. You sir are an idiot
  2. Funny story though. Recently landed a role as an IC4 Critical Facility Engineer with META. They pay pretty well. My first week there I started reading the procedures and the processes and I'm just thinking holy fuck why is this shit so familiar to me. Turns out they hired a former Deputy Director of NavSea08 to run their infrastructure side and he copied and pasted the process from the nuke side. What makes it great is his counterpart is an early dude with META so he says hey you can bring all the nuclear stuff in here and make it how you want, but we start trying to fry our people over stupid shit and that's not going to work. Very unique balance from what I see so far.
  3. Yeah during A school and Power school. It had your different ranges. The extreme ranges. We had guys who failed a test and their punishment was 45-5. That meant you had to do 45 hours a week of extra studying and at least 5 hours a night. A lot of those guys joined the Skipjack diving team. Skipjack was the barracks room closest to the school house. Everyone walked down "the spine" to get to the school house and every few weeks you would see someone take a dive off the 3rd floor.
  4. Hahahaha. The nuclear guys had to deal with more shit than anyone. First on last off. A forward division couldn't figure something out? Engineering go fix it for them while they go on liberty. We always said if it was a forward problem it was a boat problem. If it was aft it was an engineering problem. They only had one standard for us and it was double. Yeah, the nuclear program launched a bunch of awesome opportunities for us after the Navy but it was also the most crippling bullshit in the world. I once got a submarine turned around after 30 days on deployment because I missed an initial on the paperwork. My handwriting was there to say the indicator light turned "on" and the first initial guy had his initial there. Mine was missed because the line for my initial was cut off on the bottom of the page. I went from the top E5 with an early promote to promotable on my next evaluation.
  5. Have him hire a friend to film things. Go in public and punch people in the face.
  6. AWS is where it is because they were the first to accidentally stumble into the cloud space. Everyone else didn't see it and had to play catch up. Now that they are actually catching up they are actually beginning to lag. I recently jumped from AWS corporate on the infrastructure side to Meta to the Infra data center side. Night and day difference on how things are done.
  7. Saudi doesn't have dudes with the will to do bad stuff...is this a serious statement? I mean, my impression is that Saudi will do any and every fucked up thing you can come up with, so long as they see it as being in their best interests. Saudis will steal candy from a baby. Saudis won't still candy from the adults who are meaner than them.
  8. I tried. Apparently FedEx doesn't ship munitions overseas. And now the ATF is investigating me for ITAR stuff. Last time I listen to a college sports website telling me to send missiles to Iran to stop a war. Fucking regarded ass people.
  9. Saudis need to have a foreign legion like the French. Just a fully decked our mercenary army. The got the money for it. Just not dudes who are willing to do bad stuff
  10. Dropping bombs from long distance and having the will to commit boots on the ground are two different things to me. If.they want to solve the Houthi problem. They have to send troops. They are waiting for us to do it for them
  11. I think the reason we aren't hitting them and taking a strictly defensive posture is we are scared of escalation. Israel is a little far for them to do any real damage. We piss them off enough and they are going to burn for the Saudi refineries to the ground.
  12. And the Navy Seals are too busy right now. They all have book tours
  13. Pretty much hit the nail on the the head with that. The military especially the Navy is all about CYA until retirement. They can't and won't make decisions. It also doesn't help that Tommy Dumbass the Senator from Alabama has held up a ton of high ranking appointments to the NSC and other leadership roles so the guys who are actually running it are just treading water until the real guys show up
  14. You're applauding an NFL team beating the shit out of a pee wee football team.
  15. It's not that the Navy doesn't want to do anything. It's that half of our ships probably can't even shoot right now. The Navy is running on duct tape right now.
  16. I actually heard it from some fat comedian on tiktok. He used the Muslim/Jewish version of it instead.
  17. Only if derka is getting shoulder checked by aggy
  18. You know what the Jews and the Palestinians both need in their lives? Jesus.
  19. Poor guy. His dyslexia got him. He was supposed to get the deep ball. He read it as go balls deep
  20. It was great watching the game at a bar in Omaha. Husker tears are tasty
  21. If you are ever in the Clear Lake area. Samurai off of Bay Area BLVD is fantastic. One of my best friends Andy is the sushi chef.
  22. It's crazy. Ohtani is at 70 mil a year. The entire Oakland As roster is pay 43 million a year. That's 27 million a year more than an entire MLB roster.
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