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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Very carefully
  2. Or they could round up a bunch of wild boars. Have a running of the boars in the tunnels. Anyone with suicide vests wouldn't dare to blow themselves up because getting parts on you at time of death makes you unclean and no heaven for you. Mount cameras on the boars.
  3. Hook up some 16 inch hoses to every tunnel opening. Draw the water from the sea. Flood them out. Every "hidden" spot will get exposedm
  4. I don't understand the under usage of Keilan Robinson. Whenever he is on the field he breaks out big chunks of yard. Looks to have decent hands out of the backfield too.
  5. FartingMonk


    McRib is back!
  6. I think they have 3 different mascots. Edgar Allen and Poe
  7. That's what I hate. You got guys holed up in religious sites, hospitals, and other sensitive sites. They shoot at you. You level the building with a rocket and then everyone gets pissed at you. During WW2, we leveled churches without hesitation if there was a sniper holed up in there. Now you take RPGs from a mosque and you tried to shoot at it, you would be facing courts martial.
  8. IDF needs remote control cars with cameras and a package bomb to roam them tunnels
  9. Helo crashes are always going to be Warrant officer crash heavy. They are usually the guys piloting them.
  10. Do we need to call Michael Jordan out of retirement?
  11. I lived across the hall from him in Jester. My goodness that fucker pulled some tail
  12. Don't worry Sark was visited by the ghost of John Madden. He gave him the ultimate game plan. He found out the key to victory is to score more points than your opponents
  13. Brooks is the perfect candidate to be drafted by Kyle Shanahan with a later round pick. The 49ers are pretty good with taking injured college players with high upside. It's a low risk high reward thing for them. They struck gold with George Kittle and Deebo Samuel. Plus I'm sure Shanahan follows the Horns pretty closely so he sees Brooks talent and his insider access to Texas should speak highly of him. ACL/knee injuries used to be career enders. Now they are pretty common and the rehab gets them back pretty close to 100 percent.
  14. sneezy should start
  15. Sneezy Beltran
  16. Their strategy in Hormuz would be small fast boats because the channel is so narrow. But yeah I agree. Let the Persians and the Arabs fight. I want a 1930s isolationist America at this point.
  17. The problem with air is going to be. Do the Arab nations allow us to use their air space. Does Bahrain and UAE allow us to conduct missions out of our bases there. Also with air, we are basically trying to sink a bunch of mid sized fishing boats. It's expensive if we are trying to hit them with missiles. You can't break a blockade with just air assets.
  18. If Irans goal was to kill US troops. They would send a few hundred missiles at some chow hall during lunch. Right now the random missile shots are just to annoy us. If Iran closes the Straits the only way to break that blockade is to send our ships there to break the blockade and confront them directly. Their swarm drones and land based missiles is going to catch one of our ships off guard and put a big hole in it.
  19. Number 1 reason we haven't attacked Iran directly is they will close the Strait of Hormuz. No one wants to see 20 dollars a gallon for gas right now. We confront them. We're gonna win, but we're going to lose some ships. And even after that. Cleaning up the Straits to make it passable again could take months. Iran knows this, we know this. Iran is basically trying to keep itself in the news, without being the news. If they really wanted to do some damage to our bases, they wouldn't strike at 44 different bases with a few missiles. They would strike at 1 base with a few hundred missiles. But they know if they kill some US soldiers then they are going to pay. It's all window dressing.
  20. Do we have aircraft that can handle that tonnage?
  21. So the SSGN that is there is indeed the USS Florida. The same SSGN that shot 105 tomahawks into Libya the last time. When they did that the last time. The Florida was concerned that they didn't have enough ballast to dive again. Luckily there isn't a real Navy that is able to threaten a surfaced submarine.
  22. Nina was a Katrina refugee who settled in Orange when they were both still in high school. Their relationship has been toxic as fuck since day one.
  23. DDS is Dry Dock Shelter SDV-1 Seal Delivery Vehicle SSGN is a nuclear sub that has a load out of tomahawk missiles instead of carrying the D5 missile. We don't hesitate to launch tomahawks
  24. I'll fight you right now. Texas tornado match. or Hell in a Cell. Sting was and is the best wrestler ever.
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