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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. I say that because we have 100 percent satellite coverage in Ukraine. We know their order of battle and all their movements. So I'm pretty sure we know where they laid the mines.
  2. Water wouldn't do it. But you could flood the shit out of that area I guess and the mines would be visible. That infrared technique the Ukrainians are using is pretty cool. Well fuck, nevermind. The wildfire thing would work. They can burn the area. While it will not set off the mines. It will show the heat signatures of where the mines are
  3. You probably could if it burns intense enough to render it's mechanisms useless, but dropping bombs on an open field would probably work. Or just send in the minesweepers after it's done. The problem with mines in previous wars was little record of it being mined. We know where every area that was mined in Ukraine. So mine sweepers going in afterwards would probably do the trick
  4. Top and bottom crust. It was delicious. Putting that in my rotation
  5. It is if it puts the worker below minimum wage.
  6. That's the reason. Just like pizza delivery drivers having a bunch of extra coupons for people who ordered and didn't use a coupon. Quick way to make 5 bucks.
  7. There are some places that do but by law it's illegal to do that. A lot of owners threaten that because they don't want the wait staff to have their friends come eat for free and claim dine and dash.
  8. I'm a huge fan of Truth but Pit Room was pretty good. I should have gone for the dinosaur ribs. Maybe tomorrow
  9. When I was living in Hawaii the waiters hated Australians because they didn't tip. It wasn't that they were rude or anything. They just don't tip because they weren't accustomed to it.
  10. Decided on the Pit Room. Did not disappoint
  11. Seattle does not allow the 2.10 bullshit. Everyone makes minimum wage which is about 15 bucks. There is no drop off in service. People still tip 20 percent.
  12. I flew into Houston this morning. The weather is fucking offensive.
  13. I'm staying.by medical center/NRG area and passed a Citadel BBQ. Is it worth a try?
  14. San Antonio consumes a ton of energy. They are one of the fastest growing players in the data center game. Microsoft can't build them fast enough for the government and its AI capability. Those data centers gobble more energy than Bob Stoops gobbles cock
  15. Y'all are telling poor people to stay home because they don't deserve to go out and wat
  16. Well shit with common core math. Does anyone know how to do math?
  17. So the hooker gets to collect her tips too?
  18. How are they being assholes? The restaurant listed the price on the menu.
  19. No he paid for the hooker. He just didn't give her more. He paid the advertised rate
  20. Haha. So I remember you as a big gambler. So there were nights I would go to Ember and tip the shit out of the people. There are other nights. I'm like fuck.... They gave me the same service because they knew when I was good they were good. That story that guy was absolutely misjudged his spending. It fucking happens.
  21. Last thing I'm gonna say. Sometimes people are just down in life and want to go out. Why the fuck are we judging them.
  22. I'm just saying. I was part of the service industry. In college I delivered pizzas. One time I delivered 100 pizzas to UT for a party. The people who took the pizza didn't tip. I was pretty fucking pissed. The next time I did it. The dude tipped 200 bucks and then the person who actually paid for it had tipped 200. As a server I've been stiffed by a church group but then the tips for the shift were super generous. It happens
  23. When I was driving Uber. Did I get mad if someone didn't tip me? No. Was I happy when someone tipped? Yes. But that's the industry. People tip and people don't tip.
  24. I also chose to tip 8 dollars on top of the service charge
  25. He's paying what the restaurant has listed at the menu price. If he chooses to tip that's on him. It's not an obligation. He is not breaking any law. Oh but the social norms.
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