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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. The inspection side makes you worry. Plant managers and turn around managers hate you. They are already behind. Because all turnarounds run behind. We showed up to a place in Corpus one year. We smart pigged their pipes and oh boy. They should have been retired years ago. We did the heads up call to the plant contact and he was like no fucking way That next morning we were about to do our close out meeting and the Director said hey fuck this. I'm so goddamn mad right now. Why won't any one of you tell me why we could have died.
  2. I was an inspector (smart pigging) then I became a operator. Some of the heavy hitters like Exxon and Chevron would rather eat a 10 day shut down than end up on the national news. Others love to roll the dice. But I think the entire industry has fallen in love with opportunity crude and getting caught with punting turnarounds. Oil is expensive let's defer so we can maximize profit. Oh shit gas is too cheap. We don't have it in our budget. Stuff breaks. The scary parts these days are going to be vessel ruptures. Most of the giant tanks and vessels are 50-60 years old. You can say you inspected it but you can't really inspect all of it. It takes that little flaw to cause a big hole.
  3. Seeing things like this is why I am so glad I got out of oil and gas. These companies preach safety but profit is the driver. You get a phone call from the business unit downtown and all of a sudden people are doing some weird ass things.
  4. It's all a lie. That senator from Louisiana said yeah banks are basically an advanced ponzi scheme. That's the whole US economy
  5. So how many regional banks get fed to our fat cat too big to fail banks over the weekend? I'm guessing 3
  6. Wulaw RV and sex tents. What can go wrong
  7. Allied Horizon is on deck
  8. Fuck your puts. Fuck your calls J Powell got you by the balls
  9. Friday is always the day.
  10. The weather was nice yesterday. Decided to bust out the Blackstone and make some cheese steaks
  11. Dude probably had his doubts then the little Michael Jordan devil popped up and said you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take.
  12. I didn't read about any innocent bystanders getting shot
  13. They are propping up First Republic until Friday afternoon. Then they are going to let it completely meltdown and come up with another lever to pull over the weekend
  14. Happened about 15 years ago in Pasadena/clear lake area. 3 Mexican dudes robbed the guys neighbors. Neighbor called police. Killed the guy by shooting him in the back while he tried running with a TV. Grand jury did not indict. Sucks that he died but try not robbing people
  15. We used to travel into Canada with license and birth certificate only. But that was 07-08. I don't think they allow that anymore
  16. Her great grandma once read about cows in a book. So cows are near and dear to her. Slava Bovine!
  17. Got my new Astros shirt in time for the Mariners in two weeks
  18. Let's talk about the potential of Sneezy Beltran
  19. Finkel is Einhorn? Einhorn is Finkel?
  20. He wants to Putin her butt?
  21. I'm not defending the Russians or anything but if you came into my country and brutalized it for a good part of 5 years; when I get the upper hand there is gonna be some comeuppance
  22. Nuke rates are not treated well ever. At shore they are actually treated worse. At sea they actually get time to sleep.
  23. The news reporter tried to reach him for a comment but were not able to reach him
  24. Not saying he deserved to get shot. But I'm saying I feel bad for that prick. Those dudes are getting really bold and cruel.
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