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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. The news reporter tried to reach him for a comment but were not able to reach him
  2. Not saying he deserved to get shot. But I'm saying I feel bad for that prick. Those dudes are getting really bold and cruel.
  3. Nah. Not a militia member. Never had anything to do with them. The people you are describing are not militias. Those are hate groups. Antifa. Proud boys. Whatever. Those are hate groups. Terrorists
  4. Isn't this the same argument for voter id laws?
  5. Yeah. I think that's a pretty damn good litmus test if being a responsible gun owner. You have a gun. You don't use it for nefarious reasons. You sure like to speak from both sides of your mouth. First you said the proliferation of AR style weapons correlated with the growth of the militia. And it SKYROCKETED. Then you say oh yeah the militia has something to do with the shift in gun culture. But no. You didn't say any of it.
  6. Exactly. I've been LTC for a long time. Never felt the urge to carry. I started carrying at the beginning of the pandemic when random misdirected hate started being spewed towards me. My parents now carry because they are old Asian people and a targeted demographic for robbery.
  7. What is your beef with the militia? Did they touch you in the no no spot when you were young? So you are telling me the majority of ARs are owned by the militia. Yet I don't think any mass shootings are carried out by the militia. It sounds like they are responsible gun owners. You think the militia is the influence on the change in gun culture? That's a reach. The shift is fun culture is the media and video games. I can guarantee you my 10 year old nephew knows about the AR because of Call of Duty. I can also guarantee you that he has no idea what a militia is.
  8. So you're saying the rise of the AR is due to rapid rise of the militia? It's not due to the assault rifle ban repeal and some good marketing by the AR people? The AR is the new Boogeyman that the Saturday night special was in the 80s.
  9. So what was your point of bringing up that President Obama is black besides trying to insinuate it being racist?
  10. So gun owners are racist. Cool story bro. Tell it again
  11. Yeah. I don't give a shit if the gun laws change or not. I already have the guns I want. And no my guns aren't for hunting. Although I use them for hunting. They are to kill people if needed. Do I believe society is going to collapse? No. But damn. It's getting surprisingly close. Desperate people do bad things. I would rather be able to fend for myself than not.
  12. I see more people open carry in Washington than I did in Texas.
  13. I carried when I lived in Texas. I quit carrying when I almost shot some teenagers for being dumbasses. It was after 4 AM and my shift ended. I pulled into my driveway and was getting out of my car when I heard footsteps came running at me. I had the pistol in my hand and those kids stopped dead in their tracks and said whoa. We were playing hide and seek. I almost put a hole in one because of it. I thought about it afterwards and said you know. There is no confusion if I put a hole in someone coming into my house but my driveway that's something different.
  14. So any truth on the rumors that every banking bigwig and players from the Biden crew are in Omaha having a meeting with the Oracle?
  15. Chris Beard and Ole Miss just punching their ticket to the top of the NCAA
  16. I bet this is going to be some Sam Bankman Fried shit. SVB probably did some shady shit and funnelled money into a shell company.
  17. There is just something scary about a bank failing because they decided to invest in government bonds.
  18. All of mine have English names. By the time they get to second generation they don't even know how to speak the language anymore. And it's not for lack of trying
  19. Parents were born during the beginning of the Vietnam war. Escaped on a boat when they were 16 spent a year in a refugee camp after being rescued by the US Navy. Set foot in America in 1980 after getting sponsored by some Methodist missionaries
  20. I don't know. It looks like Jon Jones has found peace with himself. This might not age well but I hope he keeps it up.
  21. Fat Jon Jones is like Fat Thor. Can still kick your ass
  22. I am watching it on TikTok. Damn. What a tragic turn of events for Valentina.
  23. That was the post the other day. Why would they fire the general. Looks untenable now. Looks like they were left to die.
  24. We will freeze them out in Texas?
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