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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. I've never had it before. I'm a novice level cook but I want to see if I can make it happen
  2. Any of y'all make beef Wellington before? Think I'm gonna make an attempt it this weekend
  3. My favorite cookbook is 99 ways to wok your dog
  4. Did he try the small grills thread?
  5. So it was spotted
  6. But isn't that what Lamar Jackson's camp is saying too? He gets hurt a lot so I need more guaranteed money. Because at the end of the day the 250 doesn't mean shit. It's just a nice number. The guarantee is what matters. I'm not saying the Ravens are wrong. But both sides are making business decisions to ensure their long term future.
  7. F that. If I was Lamar I wouldn't play either. If he gets hurt. He gets no contract. The Ravens could have signed him anytime. They could have given him an extension anytime. He gets healthy and they don't agree to a contract. Ravens franchise him and still little risk on their part.
  8. He was helping that guy breathe with that last shot. He was trying to alleviate swelling in fuckfaces brain
  9. Brazilian president got waxed and didn't like the results so he's demanding a refund
  10. Ball don't lie
  11. Don't worry Nicole has not posted how she is a quarter sorority or half Idaho on her great grandmas side. And most of all she hasn't said fuck Brian serial killer yet. She is still fucking China
  12. Who cares about Jimbo. How much Candi Fisher time can I get with that?
  13. That's exactly what happened. They said Fuck you we aren't doing it
  14. I'm not a doctor but we had a similar situation at work one time. Guy stood up and he went down. We started CPR. Did the AED. There was a doctor that happened to be in the area. He just wasn't stable enough to be transported. Our guy died but he was 60 and a lot of other stuff. I think the AED to get his heart restarted was no 1 and they have doctor's there on the field
  15. are you?
  16. Instead of having covid from someone eating or fucking a bat like nature intended. we take that covid that can only infect bats and make it able to infect humans in a lab by messing with its genes. is that not GoF or am I off?
  17. I just don't understand. No one has a hard time when we GMO 80 different types of carrots. But when someone says we GMO 80 different coronaviruses. People have a hard time believing it.
  18. Yeah because all spike proteins act alike
  19. How is a goalpost moved. I'm saying because we used gain of function research we have a step up on how to combat stuff.
  20. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC539539/ This article talks about our gain of function research to weaponize influenza before a terrorist does. NIH. Our government so why wouldn't they do the same with a coronavirus.
  21. Like I said I'm not hung up on it. I'm saying that people are denying that we use gain of function research is weird. I'm not trying to be political I'm saying we use it. We create bad shit in labs because that's one of the beliefs we say is how we "protect" America. We weaponized anthrax. We've weaponized a lot of stuff that we say well we better do it before someone else does.
  22. And I won't disagree with that but our pharma industry is looking for a hair growth for men or a miracle fat burner. They aren't concentrating money on some pandemic research that is going to cost them billions of dollars without specific information from the military on where to dig first.
  23. It's a cart horse thing. How does someone get funding to be ahead on research on something. You gotta say hey this might be a problem. How do you get the problem.
  24. That's why our vaccine was damned near 95 percent effective and everyone else's was shit. We got lucky right America we're just so fucking smart.
  25. We have enough gain of function shit locked inside labs in Fort Belvoir and the CDC lab in Atlanta to kill us 1000 times over if it was ever released
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