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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Forgive my transgressions.
  2. The USS Texas was part of the lend lease to Chiang Kai Shek prior to our involvement in World War 2. Part of the AVG famously known as the the Flying Tigers. If you look closely on the stbd side it has 10 meatballs painted on the side signifying that it shot down 10 Japanese fighters making it a double ace.
  3. Hainan Island set China forward by 20 years
  4. I'm gonna be in the minority but I think it needs to be sold to a scrap yard and made into razor blades. While I love our history of the Navy but sometimes shit gets too expensive to maintain.
  5. Yeah. Fuck that noise. There is gonna be the crowd that says oh no harm no foul. So what if there is harm. What if there is foul. We do the same shit with school shooters and say well there were signs but there hasn't been anything bad. Then when bad happens we all start pointing fingers.
  6. I would think they would trade a 33 year old Nick Foles instead of cutting Sam
  7. Guy I went to high school with didn't die but he was working one of those wide load moving home things. Entergy was supposed to cut the electricity on that particular line so they could move it up. He made contact with a live line and got thrown off the roof of the moving house and into traffic. Paralyzed for life.
  8. When I was in the navy a guy was doing a clean an inspect on some 4160 V breakers. They electrically disconnect when you rack out that breaker drawer from two stabs in the back. Guy had reached back there and his body had became part of the circuit. They found just his bones when they got to him
  9. A guy in high school was riding in back of a pickup truck when it drove into a pond. Driver swam out of the open window. Guy in the back drowned because he couldn't get the tailgate down
  10. She was just practicing holistic Eastern medicine for his skin condition. Ancient Chinese secret.
  11. My environmental science class we had to go to a sewage treatment facility. The pond is highly oxygenated to promote bacteria growth. At least 10 people a year fall into these types of shit ponds and drown. The highly oxygenated water causes you to sink like a rock no matter how good of a swimmer you are.
  12. Haha. Armybrats avatar of Grandpa Simpson has one of my favorite lines ever. "I'll be dead and buried before I recognize Missourah"
  13. Quit buying rubber dog poop from Hong Kong
  14. That was one of my biggest concerns about the Paris Accord. We funnel billions of dollars to the U.N so they can give it to developing nations to undertake massive projects led by the Chinese. So basically we are just giving money to the Chinese and these projects get abandoned after it is pilfered from bribes and half assed work.
  15. The parents are lucky to get their full refund. The kid is literally advertising this event with his picture in it.
  16. Ok. Now that I did a little more digging. I can see why they cancelled the party. The kid is an influencer. He had this party last year for his birthday. He did indeed advertise on his tik tok and other social media sites as this was Splash Bash 2. Not racism. They just didn't want shit to get out of hand.
  17. Nah. Because you still probably had parents there and taking their kids away once they found out the event was cancelled. It's when you have an event going on and the mentality of standing in line for hours with no adult supervision saying F this. I'm coming in no matter what mentality is where things get out of hand. They knew nothing was going on behind the gates.
  18. Yeah. I would rather have an event cancelled than a group of unruly teens get beaten by cops.
  19. Damned if you do damned if you don't for that venue. So what happens when you let 250 kids in and another 500 are outside trying to force their way in? Someone drowns or it gets out of control. What do we say then?
  20. Chicken parm
  21. At this point if Putin doesn't die there is no hope for Ukraine.
  22. Honestly I don't feel sorry for her. It's the same with the kid who got killed in North Korea and the dude who got arrested in Iran. Don't fucking go. Everytime I've been overseas whether with the military, work, or pleasure I figure out what are the consequences for doing stupid shit. Her entire defense was based on American law. That's the privilege we see as American passport holders that get people in trouble. The state department can't help you. If you go to a Thai prison for heroin guess what. You're shit out of luck.
  23. Pics of nieces moose knuckle?
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