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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Pics of nieces moose knuckle?
  2. Just a great example of the closer the person is to be the end user of a product the bigger the hubris.
  3. Is it really China though? We have learned to shift the blame. Chinese manufacturing is the cause of a lot of pollution but it's because we have shifted from our backyard. The shit they produce isn't consumed by them. It is by us. Just like the drugs. It isn't the Colombians who snort it. It is by us. We just shift the blame on them.
  4. Nah. Hydro is done solution. Benefits are good. But the bad aspects with wildlife are bad. With our water not ever going back up. Not really feasible
  5. I've always laughed at that argument when people go see. They predicted that and it didn't happen so they were wrong. Rachel Carson's Silent Spring very well may have happened if we didn't start changing our ways. Hell, go to a big city in India or China and that's what cities in the US would look like if we didn't start imposing changes. But on the flip side we can't just say get rid of it all now unless we want to sit in the dark. The transmission issue is actually really easy to solve. Fuck the feasibility studies. Just fucking build. Now why we put so many wind mills in the middle of nowhere before we were able to utilize it is another question to be asked. Why build so much before asking if you can make it profitable. Idle wind farms have to make money somehow right?
  6. George Jetson is a child molester. He's 24 when he gets a 16 year old Jane pregnant with daughter Judy.
  7. Attempting ravioli
  8. Random noodles dish
  9. I didn't remember that. Definitely didn't think somebody else could pay for it, I just remember sixteen different deductions from my $1300 a month pay. Including the completely fictional Marine Corps retirement home. The payment went away back in 2005-2006 when we were in our we love the military phase. It's fully funded by Congress now.
  10. I think for me it's not the forced overtime. I missed out on so many random events because I would get scheduled OT at the last minute. Now when my boss says hey you feel like working OT? I just say nah. I'm good.
  11. Haha. I do projects. I used to knock out projects super fast. Then I realized what fucking good does that do for me so now I finish projects and just slowly turn them in. And everyone is like man you're making good progress. The rest of the time I'm chasing the Amazon security robot around.
  12. It's the managers that feel like their position is threatened. How are they getting shit done when there isn't a manager telling them what to do. On the flip side I blame some of the workers. Nothing grinds my gear more than me sending an email and I get an auto reply "Working from home so email responses will be delayed.". Don't snitch on yourself. We had a conference call with some big wigs and some people said I enjoy taking my dog to the dog park during the day and another said I enjoy my midday naps. We all do. Don't tell them though.
  13. 4 day school weeks make a lot of sense to me. Hell some of these kids have a 45 minute to hour bus ride each day. Couple that with the time it takes to get ready. It is a complete wash if they are saying the extra 50 minutes is too much. I just started working a 40-10 schedule and I wouldn't trade that.
  14. I saw Eric Church there a few years ago. Coolest concert venue ever
  15. Humping
  16. What? I've been to Guam 4-5 times by submarine and 5 times by plane. First time I ever time travelled was flying back from Guam. I left at 11 AM October 15th and landed in Seattle at 9 AM October 15th. It's changed a bit now but we used to call it the wild wild west of America. There are no rules there. And the locals love America unlike the Hawaiians.
  17. I need a boat
  18. Random 60 degree day in the middle of July. I'll take it.
  19. Hey. My bad. I wasn't trying to gear it towards you. It was the other guy. We understand we need this progress. But the dudes in the actual industry are sitting around and we are like man you fuckers are stupid. That's what is going on. You can't believe everything is good with one and everything is bad with the other.
  20. Oh Jesus can you shut the fuck up for a minute? One of the biggest things where we fucked up was carbon credits. Why the fuck do you think so many solar and wind is happening. They sell the fucking carbon credits back to the polluters. Get your fucking head out of your ass dude. The path you claim pollutes. They suck. Maybe a little less than the fossil fuels guys. But they still suck
  21. Yep. That is my thing right now is the timing. We start kicking off one thing and abandoning the other before we know it works is going to be a big deal. One thing that is plaguing what is left of the nuclear industry is parts. People pull out of the game and retool into other things and all of a sudden when they want you back there is nothing to go back to. That is part of the lesson Germany is learning right now.
  22. I get the need to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels for environmental reasons but sometimes I feel like we are really trading crack for cocaine. Is trading fossil fuel extraction for lithium extraction really that much better for the environment?
  23. Comanche Peak looks like it may be taken out of the grid in the very near future. The plant itself I don't think is in any danger but the transmission lines there might get caught up in that Chalk Mountain fire. That's not going to do any favors to an already tight grid.
  24. I'm just gonna start carrying hand grenades.
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