It's about command and control. Fire fighters teach this. Police teach this. Military teaches this. They failed at that and that's what failed everything else. No one knew who was in charge. You know how you watch movies and the guy takes over and say hey I'm local PD I'm in charge, I'm state patrol I'm in charge, and I'm FBI I'm in charge. That's what needed to happen. Instead they said hey school police you're in charge and even though you aren't making any decisions we are gonna stand around and not take charge. People don't understand 95 percent of failure is because of lack of communication. They charged into each other's fire lanes. They weren't on the same radio channels. They have training and then they have training. A real active shooter scenario training was fucking intense. You have people screaming for help. You aren't supposed to stop and help them you have to keep rushing forward to kill the bad guy. They probably sat through a Teams meeting where the dude gave a PowerPoint and congratulated what a good job everyone was doing.