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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Same reason That sounds like a good idea on paper but are you sure you want that? If you do. You better get local FD trained up on how to deal with a runaway battery. That's my biggest concern. First gen battery of any type has a tendency to go BOOM. You're talking about Hiroshima level type dentonations. You get one you'll be NIMBYd and people will be begging for coal.
  2. I think it was off steam
  3. Oh. We are playing the money is not a factor game. Yeah......... Okkkk
  4. Anyone who believes renewables can make up 80-85 percent of total energy either has no idea what they are talking about or seriously drinking the Kool aid.
  5. Cold Iron to normal operating temperature and pressure for a nuke plant takes almost a week to achieve. Conventional plants it's still 2-3 days. Slow rolling some of those big compressors to full speed can take up to 24 hours. The only way fully achieve the 80 percent renewables and have all your on demand guys chill is a fuckton of storage or have someone pay a lot of money while those plants are running at min rates. And that's what it boils down to. Money.
  6. There is a lot of blame to go around but I think the biggest problem is no one knows how to move forward without significant risk in terms of what to build because of this ever evolving energy policy put out by our leaders in charge. We want to blame the private guys but they have to make money too. What type of energy is the flavor of the week today might not be when those units go up. Right now we have everyone sucking natural gas dick but it hasn't been that long where it has been cheap. That's a relatively new thing. We keep talking up nuclear but I remember when it was the bastard child. Those companies choose wrong and it will put them in bankruptcy.
  7. Please explain because if this were the case we would not have this thread.
  8. I got Civ 6 and all it's expansions for 10 bucks a couple of weeks ago. Rabbit hole here I come.
  9. Second to only Saudis. I've never met a Saudi I've liked. I have only met 1 South African that was cool
  10. They had state troopers if I recall correctly
  11. Also panic is contagious and real is a very accurate statement. The guys show up they see officer retreating out white as a ghost. Ok he got nicked in the ear. Ears bleed a fucking lot. So you see this and are like oh fuck. No one steps up so now you have the thought man, the ear is right next to the head. He could have gotten his head blown off. That energy travels really fast. If someone stood up and said we got kids in there are we men or are we bitches let's get them. That would get you out of that thought. They didn't. They stood there and were content to be bitches.
  12. Nah, I think you guys are being a little too harsh on Eskimohorn. That's part of the training. Imagine going to a training and you have 8 hours to finish it and no matter how shitty the guys do you have to pass them. If you fail them or have harsh words for them they fill out a critique sheet at the end of the day and say you were a shitty instructor so they go with another company who isn't so mean next time.
  13. It's about command and control. Fire fighters teach this. Police teach this. Military teaches this. They failed at that and that's what failed everything else. No one knew who was in charge. You know how you watch movies and the guy takes over and say hey I'm local PD I'm in charge, I'm state patrol I'm in charge, and I'm FBI I'm in charge. That's what needed to happen. Instead they said hey school police you're in charge and even though you aren't making any decisions we are gonna stand around and not take charge. People don't understand 95 percent of failure is because of lack of communication. They charged into each other's fire lanes. They weren't on the same radio channels. They have training and then they have training. A real active shooter scenario training was fucking intense. You have people screaming for help. You aren't supposed to stop and help them you have to keep rushing forward to kill the bad guy. They probably sat through a Teams meeting where the dude gave a PowerPoint and congratulated what a good job everyone was doing.
  14. Yeah. That's what we are going to next time is hit some lingcod
  15. Along with that salmon. We did a combo of rockfish. Holy crap. Rockfish are delicious
  16. Definitely hiring . But to get this thread back on track. Most commercial buildings are highly automated and keep costs down as much as possible. I recently took over the energy program. And part of it includes access to the electric bill and when I saw the number just for our building. I was like holy fuck.
  17. Yeah. That's the one.
  18. I work at the Amazon campus in Seattle. That is our entire job is to make sure we reduce energy. We have blinds come down. AHUs shut off. The Amazon office people actually have no control over the AC
  19. It's a complete circle jerk of a failure and everyone is to be blamed. The companies, the politicians, the activists, and us.
  20. Nah. Not enough hot air. We need all the politicians to rise together
  21. Has ERCOT activated LAARS yet?
  22. It doesn't stop there. The number one reason military recruiters get thrown out of the recruiting program is they get caught banging recruits. It's a sick sick policy
  23. Launching out of Westport, WA. Salmon and rockfish
  24. It's kind of morbid in a sense but Abe probably had a better chance of survival if he was shot in the US. Not saying anything bad about Japanese healthcare just saying that US medical is probably way better at treating gun shot wounds from on scene until surgery
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