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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. They probably made it look easy because every waitress in LA and NYC are aspiring actors and actresses
  2. I think Sink started out as a good guy. Then as he rose up in the ranks and started hanging away from the front lines he let HQ politics and that star chasing cloud him
  3. Says he owns two businesses and was a candidate for mayor
  4. His dad is a pretty prominent member of the community too. This is some Malibu's most wanted type stuff
  5. The ball kicker just set it up so well
  6. LAARS program. Surprisingly HEB playing a bigger role in this too
  7. Nice guy Eddie was asking about why. The potential energy from the difference in height converts to the same kinetic energy everytime. Using ocean currents they vary so it makes your turbines vary. Both methods work. The difference in height makes it work more efficiently because it is predictable and consistent.
  8. All about potential energy. The difference in height gives you that.
  9. The Wire is my absolute favorite series. Band of Brothers is a close second. Peaky Blinders. The Pacific. Boardwalk Empire. You can't really go wrong grabbing shows off HBO. Shameless is also a good one
  10. I liked that article. It was one of the few honest articles where they just explained facts and not try to skew data or misinterpret it. It said hey yes demand was low and it was sunny outside and we hit the right conditions for renewables to be good for an hour. That's the crux of it right now. Renewables are great sometimes. We need them to be great a majority of the time.
  11. I think it's awesome but the renewables guys have a lot of cart before the horse energy on this right now. We throw nuclear out there as everyone's knew favorite buzzword and play toy but nuclear is pretty much dead and this is coming from someone who loves nuclear and did nuclear and a lot of my friends are in nuclear. It's all buzzwords. I also hate the traditionalists saying oh solar is never going to work. Whether they like it or not. It's here to stay.
  12. Yeah Microgrids are all the rage. You get less transmission loss while being able to provide excess to the grid. And you're absolutely right. It's a one step away thing and we are high tailing it to a whole new energy bracket. I've dealt with energy in one way or another for the past 20 years and recently went towards data centers and holy shit. If you are looking at energy burn vs how to save look at this shit called PUE. It's a wild ass ride right now. I can see mini solar Microgrids hooked up to some sort of ATS and loading 20 to 30 MW at a time. Battery storage is gonna revolutionize everything.
  13. Maybe if they were homeless Ukranian junkies she would be at the front lines volunteering to administer the narcan
  14. A poster on energy who speaks on demand energy. Tax credits. Say carbon credits for the trifecta. You truly know what you are talking about. I'm not saying that wind and solar isn't needed for our future but the tax credits are what big banks like when they know that loan is basically guaranteed to these fly by night operations who are carbon credit miners. People like to talk grid being overloaded by demand. It's also really bad when it's overloaded by supply. That's why the NERC guys aren't fans of renewables right now. Those windfarms out of Corpus can blow for 3 hours and then just drop off without warning. Now you have to make up for that lost. Gas plant does a ramp to make up for it. Only for the wind plants to pick back up an hour later.
  15. So you're telling me since the return to work for city employees post covid your librarian friend working a 40 hour week during mostly daylight hours has had to narcan the same dude multiple times at said library?
  16. I'm not calling you a liar but I'm calling you a liar that your librarian friend has narcan'd the same dude back to life multiple times.
  17. I hate that article mainly because it lumps nuclear with wind and solar. Nuclear is only convenient when talking capacity. Nuclears ability to act as on demand energy is also very important when speaking of capacity. The whole reason people in the energy business does not trust renewables is because wind and solar do not have on demand capability yet is why they are such a headache to deal with. We can huff and puff all we.want about how great wind and solar is but until we get them into the on demand capability they will continue to be viewed as unreliable.
  18. And actually Texas is very friendly to renewables and the funny reason is they don't give a shit about the environment. You wanna build a windfarm. Have at it. You wanna build solar be our guest.
  19. Everyone loves nuclear power until it is in their backyard. The NIMBY dudes will bankrupt it in litigation.
  20. He and his wife are on the anthem singing circuit in the DFW area apparently
  21. I just restarted it last night. I forgot all about the D and WeyBey fish tank scene. He was convinced he was done.
  22. There was stuff on board to detect nukes onboard which had a radioactive source. CBRN stuff as part of their training mission
  23. I take it back. I reached out to a friend asked about the nuclear materials thing. The first responders were correct in identifying what they saw.
  24. The first gen ospreys almost got discontinued because of so many deaths. It was sync error between the rotors when going from helo to prop. If you are even a few seconds off it sends you into a death spiral. Those issues had been addressed. What caused this one I don't know but I absolutely know whoever wrote the article is a fucking idiot by including the nuke statement
  25. No run rule correct?
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