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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Holy shit. That is some funny shit.
  2. These dudes choose elementary schools for a reason. No one is going to tackle them. Who are you laying suppressing fire against?
  3. If you want to enact any legislation then you better be ready to enforce it. The only way to enforce it is by going militant on the consequences. Are we ready to do that. Let's not beat around the bush and say oh, layered protection. Layered this. Pass the gun laws. Now you tell them hey you get caught with a gun and you're underage that's 10 years. You commit crimes with a gun that's 25 years. You don't want teeth in the gun laws then it makes no difference.
  4. I'm in full favor of disarming everyone including the military.
  5. For a drive by shooting I would say that's true. But unfortunately for school shootings it is not. It seems like the vast majority of school shootings the dude gains access to a classroom and does most of the casualties in there. So his accuracy is a lot more deadly.
  6. But it didn't. Unless response time already has people ready to respond in a few minutes. The capacity of the magazines don't play a major role. We aren't ready to talk about having armed security at schools though. I'm not talking teachers. That's not their job. Trained and armed security at every school..
  7. Yeah. Most of the gun show guys are FFLs. They aren't risking their FFLs. You might have a few dudes who say come out to my car and look at stuff but I think those dudes are long gone. It's an old bogeyman tactic.
  8. To quote you take that shit to cloak room.
  9. So much foreshadowing in that show. Kenard goes from playing Omar with a stick gun to taking him out because he saw him limping around like a bitch and lost respect
  10. They do. I have one for my compact Smith and Wesson. I think it's 9. I ended up buying the extended which holds 12. I'm not saying they aren't out there but for the larger handguns I would think they weren't as common. There wasn't a market for it. Even my everyday carry is a compact but they double stacked it to 15. Im just saying that's why that report can be a bit skewed because someone says large capacity and they automatically think AR and rifles. The two shootings this weekend in Tennessee and Philadelphia will definitely be considered mass shootings with large capacity magazines but it was all done with hand guns.
  11. See but thats where assault rifles and LCM become intertwined but it shouldn't. Their definition of large capacity magazines is 10 or more. That's 95 percent of the handguns out there.
  12. Like I said I'm not against banning high capacity mags. I just think it's the scapegoat. It would have made no difference in those shootings.
  13. Some end up dead. Some don't but there is a whole underground worship of them. Take away that worship by doing fucked up things to them. Maybe that stops them. Hey you know what? Let's raze their parents house and confiscate their land. Maybe that will teach people to lock up their guns. 15 of the kids were from the same classroom. He had them pinned. You think the kids were going to bum rush him? Reloading a gun takes a couple of seconds. He probably could have done more damage with 2 handguns
  14. And how will banning high capacity magazines have done anything different? What's the difference between 6 5 round magazines or 1 30 round magazine? He shot a bunch of kids in a classroom. It wouldn't have mattered.
  15. Honestly you want to get rid of the mass shootings. You execute that fucker and you shit on his remains and then dump his fucking body in the ocean. Those dudes think they are going down in history. You desecrate their bodies and they might think different. We have a sick fetish over these guys.
  16. But that didn't solve ol fuck face from killing the kids in Sandy Hook.
  17. 30 round mags don't do anything for me. I wouldn't care either way if they went away. I have a bunch of them. But if the govt wanted to buy it back from me I wouldn't care. Bullets get fucking heavy. I prefer my smaller magazines unless I'm at the range. But limiting the capacity I don't think it will do anything. But if that gets you to the table then sure.
  18. Renting a car isn't a government policy so that's moot. I feel that voting is the most fundamental thing a person can do. And if we entrust a person to vote then we need to entrust them to all other things. If you want to make 21 the voting age. Then make that with the guns and the draft.
  19. I'm not opposed to a 30 day waiting period. I'm opposed to a 10000 percent tax. I'm opposed to an age limit anywhere past the voting age or age to be drafted. The red flag laws become a little more silppery to me but it's because of the government and their policies. We pass laws that seem to be to a good idea but we totally fuck people with it. No knock raids for instance. Sound like a good idea. Catch the bad guys by surprise. Nope we end up going to the wrong house. Foreiture laws seem like a good idea, nope we out right steal from people. And that's how I feel like we are going to go with red flag laws. The dude who is angry at his local city council is going to get his door kickdown because council woman says she fears for her life because he was loud and said he needed potholes fixed. And you can get anyone to sign off on anything.
  20. Yeah. I'm a gun owner. Shotguns, AR-10,AR-15 a few handguns and some bolt action long guns. But yeah there are gun owners I know that kind of freak me out. I know a guy that constantly practices drawing while watching TV. Another insists that he brings his AR with him in his trunk even when going to the grocery store. His thought is he can fight back to the car to get his rifle. Like I understand the world is a dangerous place but damn it's not like you are living in Fallujah or something.
  21. Sorry I wasn't being clear. Yes bump stocks are illegal. I was just trying to say they need to remain illegal as they don't have any usefulness to it and makes a gun much more dangerous. The people challenging it in court are not doing gun owners any favors.
  22. I will disagree with you on the point that there is no difference between a bump stock and a full auto. I've shot both and I will say a gun equipped with a bump stock should be illegal. You have absolutely no control of where the bullets go. It just shoots bullets really fast. A full auto you have pretty good control.
  23. It's a problem that we caused. We will start seeing oil refineries go up in smoke pretty soon. You have bean counters say oh man, we can't do this turn around because oil prices are so low. Then now you have oil at all time high and we say oh man you can't have this turn around because we have to maximize production. Shit breaks. Shit explodes. Same with the food facilities.
  24. Not all it was quacked up to be
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