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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. That's a heavy ass pager. Now you gotta weigh pagers
  2. It's 2024. Who else would be carrying pagers? A pager is probably harder to find in the wild than a cell phone. Hezbollah apparently never watched The Wire. They would have known to buy their pagers from different suppliers so it didn't get compromised. HumInt for Israel probably got ripped off their was a big batch of pagers being ordered and being delivered to Lebanon and perked some ears. Pagers I believe run on 2 and 3 G networks so they had to be specifically modified. As far as the no explosive theory I don't buy it. Yes. You can overheat a battery and cause it to explode but the heat rise is gonna burn your ass that you're gonna throw it before it explodes
  3. It is definitely in the playbook. Anyone that works for any company that they are in FR gear has already been trained. There are news vans parked at the gas station looking for people who are in coveralls to ask them what they think. The trained response is "I have no comment. Please contact my companies PR department at this number for a statement"
  4. En-ey-el Munnyall
  5. Getting ready for soup season so I made a bunch of wontons after work last night
  6. Tyreek was being obnoxious, but I think the most telling thing was when he was cuffed and that cop was trying to get him to sit and he said hey watch it. I just had surgery on my knee. The cop said something like you must've had surgery on the ear too. That's not how it fucking works. The cop was pissed at was not trying to deescalate the situation. He snuck in a lock when he didn't have to. That cop was a dick and probably has beaten people before.
  7. He wasnt calling his agent. He was calling Drew Brooks. Miami's director of security. Although both the Drew's showed up and got him released
  8. The Loveland fumble I think was caused by the ref. He looked up and thought the ref was about to truck his ass. Probably the same fear that Gov Hot wheels had when Tre Wisner came barreling at him and DPS jumped in the way to shield him
  9. So are they making an emphasis to call it the two minute timeout this year vs two minute warning?
  10. All gates have a long gun now. Sometimes it's visible sometimes it's in the shack or their vehicle
  11. Here is a pretty cool picture of the SEAL team outside of the DDS with a Michigan flag
  12. When I win the lottery. I'm gonna Jay and Silent Bob these little fuckers. Are you smu_deeznuts69? And kick them in the nuts.
  13. We did that to China one year. So, the 4 SSGNs are Ohio Michigan Florida Georgia. So for short it's OMFG. That year it was 3 of the 4. We surfaced at 3 AM Beijing time Ohio pulled into Diego Garcia, Michigan went to Busan and Georgia went to the Philippines. So when the Chinese woke up. They were like OMG
  14. I'm gonna go to when they buried Jimmy Hoffa's body. Take pictures. And then the characters who were there make up deathbed confessions. Have them dig up his body in the year of our Lord 2024. Write and publish the photos I took of said event. And sell 100 million copies
  15. It was vesting day. I'm happy when the market goes up. I just think the market reaction to news is completely bizarre.
  16. The retail sales thing is such complete bullshit. The thing that drove the difference between the June vs July retail sales is automobile sales. That software fuck up caused cars not to sell in June. It got fixed and they sold cars in July. Fucking statistics are stupid
  17. Unless someone puts one in his brain.
  18. Gasoline and a lighter
  19. See it's a win win for everyone. Centerpoint is playing 4D chess and y'all are playing checkers
  20. Why trim the trees when the next hurricane is just gonna take it down for you?
  21. I'll probably live in the Kuna area. I hope to be snowboarding a lot.
  22. I just got an opportunity to go startup the new Meta data center in Boise, Idaho. What is there to do in Boise?
  23. I heard "the AI is bailing you out" "that was pass interference"
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