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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. The problem is making the change is fucking tough. It was like having beaten wife syndrome. You stay because you keep thinking shit will change. Then you're just like nah. Fuck this.
  2. That is exactly what I learned when I left my last job. They talk culture. They aren't about it. We had a dude who was there for 28 years. He talked loyalty and how we were this and that. He made an off cuff remark and got canned. Another thing I learned is what I should have learned when I was in the navy. When they just start feeding you out of the blue. Be prepared to get screwed
  3. Overtime is what made me quit my last job. I understand sometimes you have to work overtime. But they instituted a forced overtime policy and on a Dupont schedule. So I was basically doing 7-8 12s with a day off before switching from day shift to night shift or vice versa. It wouldn't be so bad if they scheduled it in advanced but a lot of it was with no notice and at the last minute. The body can only take so much. I ended up doing that for a year and a half. The final straw was I had a trip planned and asked if they were going to schedule me and they said no. At the very last minute they scheduled me. I asked and got told "too bad". I called in sick that day. I was scheduled. Came back from my trip and put in my two weeks. Management asked what did we do wrong and how do we get you to stay. By that time it was too late. At my new job I enjoy it. It pays just as well and I actually feel kind of bad because I have such distrust of management from my previous employer.
  4. I had this discussion with my buddy the other day and I used an example of when we were in the navy. We first started loading tomahawks. 115 of them and they said hey 25 days. They said sure. Well the next time they had to load it. They said 22 days. Then the next time they said 19 and so on until it got down to 9 days. And it was the Admiral asking the Captains if they could do it. No captain dared to say no because they all wanted that promotion. What they didn't tell people was how they got it down to 9 days. And the way they did it. The crews basically work 24 hours a day with people getting maybe 2-3 hours a day and then cutting out the safety margins. Now if anything went wrong the captains would have said well we didn't hear any complaints about it. It wasn't until an inspection team had heard about it and someone with balls said. Hey this is really fucking stupid.
  5. be careful there. Asking those questions will get you accused of being a Russian troll. Or a bot.
  6. Fine. Sorry. I just look at the military stuff with a big grain of salt. The continue pulling rabbits out of hats makes me believe our hand in this is way above what everyone thinks
  7. I'm not saying they are stupid rubes. They have been shown to be pretty damn capable. Sometimes a little too capable like they have some sort of cheat code. I'm all for it. Kill all them fucking Russians. I'm just saying it's a little too convenient. Like oh, here's a little tidbit you didn't know. The Ukranians have been practicing small unit tactics and battalion size formations and integrate seamlessly for years. Then it's haha. Here's another fun fact Ukraine for some reason has technological advanced drones. Then now oh ha, you silly Westerners Ukraine has been toying with this autonomous counter battery system since you were in diapers. It's like playing war with my nephew. I say ha I shot you with my laser gun. He says oh yeah. I block it with my anti laser shield. Like where the fuck did you get an anti laser shield at. That's how it is when reading about the Ukrainians
  8. Haha. Yes yes. The Ukranians the very same Ukrainians who have been trained by NATO forces for the past 10 years all of a sudden develop and implemented this savage ass counter battery program that their NATO instructors were too ignorant to adapt. The same Ukrainians who who just got satellite link from Elon Musk and just had their guys trained up on using artillery from NATO forces has somehow did this fucking badass implementation where their artillery can not only kill Russians but can suck the soldiers dicks while doing it. Yes the same Ukranians who have had to have artillery shipped in had so much free artillery to practice with so they were able to go and just shoot shell after she'll to perfect this badass system. Yep.. my.take is bad.
  9. You guys are silly. These "Ukranian" tech is the US war nerds playing what if stuff in real life using Ukrainians to shoot at Russians. If you told me right now the Ukrainians are simply just moving artillery into place and we are shooting it for them remotely I wouldn't be surprised
  10. A lot of small towns have little meat markets. They all usually have some sort of kitchen in there and you can find some amazing burgers
  11. Nah chicks do crazy shit for dudes over 6 foot. Dude was 6'9 she do crazy shit.
  12. Why didn't the guy just duck?
  13. She's not wrong. This is the type of war we have been begging for. Capable fighters who aren't Americans killing Russians.
  14. Nah. I hope Russia dies and is never a threat again. I'm just saying when people being up Article 5. We are past article 5.
  15. The only way Russia can win this one is by bombing the shit out of the NATO supply line into Ukraine. Article 5 be damned. We have done everything to declare war on Russia except to say we declared war anyhow.
  16. Our weapons systems are very very easy to learn. A week is ample time to make you proficient in any weapons system we own.
  17. Next big hit is going to be chemical companies. Feedstock is usually natural gas.
  18. I used to go there and watch the bootleg movies and stare at hot coed ass walking by.
  19. Dupont sponsored our environmental science class so 1st period of my senior year at West Orange Stark we hung out in a pontoon boat going up and down Adam's Bayou learning about the flora and fauna. My teacher had a real strong hate for that bastard Chinese tallow tree but those gators we saw in there were massive.
  20. Yeah. It was. I went to school with the two guys who tracked down the and shot the gator
  21. oh man. I'm going to look into that. I have Cha siu mastered. I have to do tamales
  22. Haha. Same thing happened to me in Mexico City and Tula De Allende. I went in there and tried to order in English. Got a no halo Ingles in a fluent Mexican Spanish. So I tried to use my 3 years of high school Spanish. Then the dude says "ni Mexicuh hua ho Cha ah". Basically said your Spanish is shitty in Cantonese to me. Turns out the immigration population there is huge and they all speak the local language. I still can't wrap my head around it. And I get pissed off when people assume I don't speak English but I make the same damn assumptions of other people.
  23. First time eating a Seattle dog sober
  24. Yeah I just moved to the PacNorWest about a month ago. I had lived here previously when I was in the Navy. I have a few friends who still love here and they love baseball. I'm actually a huge Giants fan.
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