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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Go ahead and take a flying fuck at a rolling donut
  2. I used to do this evil China thing until I started asking about the evil America ways. I'm pretty convinced we are the bad guys. People were all Slava Ukraine. Bro what did you think was going to happen. They were going to die. It's puppet shit that we don't know.
  3. With refugees eventually they wear out their welcome and the host country turns on them
  4. That's why every story that involves anything nuke I take with a grain of salt.
  5. It's the stuff that is still on them. If they sat near the source and got radiation poisoning and left then everyone else would be fine. But when you kick off radioactive dust and don't get deconned then you are bringing that shit with you. That's the whole poop theory. You see shit on the ground you smell it. That smell is the radiation. But if you step on it and track it back to your house your wife smells it.
  6. The best way radiation and contamination has been explained to me is radiation is like a fart and contamination is the poop. So we got 7 bus loads of Russians covered in shit going back to Belarus. A lot of people are going to get the stink on them. Maybe that's the false flag.
  7. Man. If true that is fucking insane. But it seems a bit odd to me that a decon zone wasn't setup. It would take a month to decon that many Russians otherwise they are basically sending a bunch of contaminated Russians into Belarus and killing everyone who comes into contact with them.
  8. That's what they say. But is it what they actually knew
  9. This is probably a really unpopular opinion but I'm beginning to think we lured Vlad into doing this. There is no fucking way the Russians really can be this bad. They have literally failed at every level and US Intel has won at every level. We are not that good
  10. A few friends are doing some crazy ass shit with UUVs and they say it's going to make submarines and even the navy become obsolete in a decade or two. Those things are beginning to really be able to self learn and navigate. You basically are going to have a drone/torpedo hybrid that costs a million bucks and can't be detected or stopped taking out billion dollar capital ships. That's fucking scary.
  11. Hahahaha. So there i was. Smoked a brisket last night. NAVSEA05. NavSea08. A few nukes off some boomers. And we are like last time we thought anything this stupid the SSGNs showed up(look up China saber rattle 2010). This one sounds a bit different.
  12. The pizza thing is a fucking lie. You got your command snitches there.
  13. Bali for G20 is probably going to be the safest place in the world. I was in Hawaii for the G20 summit and uncle Vlad booked the Modern Hotel. The entire fucking hotel.
  14. German American Bund was pretty fucking strong in the late 30s. Definitely Nazis in America.
  15. They've been playing small ball since the beginning. It would be a completely different story if Russia would have shown up a month early. The muddy ground is forcing the convoys to stay in a single file. That's what is making it bad for Russia. If they had frozen ground to roll across they wouldn't be sitting ducks. The hit and run attacks get more dangerous if you try to advance deeper into that convoy territory. Laying out in the countryside will only work if you let the convoy roll right past you and sit and wait. But with that you have no where to retreat to after you popped off a few shots. That's a big risk that the Ukranians shouldn't take.
  16. Those Russian kilos are going to have to surface eventually to get food. We know it, they know it and the p8 harassing them have kept them up for months now. Their stress level is probably on tilt level.
  17. Their speed is over stated and by what we can tell they are no faster than our regular missiles. Real time data will show us what we are up against. Just the pure fact that they have claimed to use it might sound like Russian disinformation. Because even if they have crumbs of it left we would snatch every little.piece up
  18. The scariest thing is the US govt will ditch us. They will leave and wait until they have a plan to recover. So until they.come.back we will be on our own.
  19. It's funny how we are motivated by beer
  20. I've met a lot of foreign spec ops guys before. The Brits are super professional. Ours are very cold and calculated. But my favorites were Aussies. They just some fucking wire loose in their brain. They drove a golf cart off the side of the pier one night just because someone said I bet you wouldn't do it.
  21. Strategic and tactical is how it was always explained to me. Our fleet has a strategic mission. The rest of us have tactical missions. So even if we don't talk to high command for a few days we know what the goal.
  22. So I'm kind of back in the military. NAVSEA05 stuff. Let's just say things are about to get really interesting
  23. The China thing is laughable. The entire time this shit has been happening. We have kept trying to blame China. China has nothing to do with it. They want no part of it. They are sitting there observing and laughing. Why the fuck would they even try to jump in. It's stupid and you guys are stupid for trying to get this China angle.
  24. Before the entire war. We knew they had 3 dudes there. Those dudes haven't left. If we tried to do a sneaky link. We could have gotten there. But two of our three sneaky links are home. I can guarantee that because one of my best JOs just took over as the CO. I was there for that. Jimmy Carter is the other boo. He's gone more than I know but unless he crawled in black sea. We have no submarines there
  25. You can float them any where you please.but going through the straits of borsprous is a major shipping channel and going through there without declaring it on the 14 mile zone is an act of war. But also trying to bring a submarine through that channel submerged is fucking dangerous as all hell. A freightliner can suck you right up
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