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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. And way over 100 pages ago we talked about this. The yes man theory. Uncle Vlad shot the guy who said it wouldn't work until the guy said it would
  2. Exactly. I've always been I'm a as my eyes see it from a neutral perspective. Then I say what about his eyes. Then the other guys eyes. So you get 3 different looks and 3 different opinions and you realize the other two is bullshit. No way a Russian boat moves that close. Unless it was spoofed by AWACS and we have P8s out there but also you must have a golden pellet to hit something. MLRs aren't accurate. Boats turn and run fast. If it was a top hit. That thing would sit on top and burn for a few hours. I didn't think about the mine theory but it makes sense
  3. You know. You are right. Just on this conversation I think about it. It doesn't need to be complex on the explanation why. But we always go back to Syria. We go back to Donbas. We go back to Crimea. Those places he used the shit out of his navy and air force. It's like playing poker. He represented two strong ass hands and bluffed his way through it against a weaker opponent. This time around he bluffed again and his opponent has called each way. He lost the first hand and he's stalling and thinking before he makes a move where he is absolutely pot committed. His army means nothing. He knows when he pulls out his last 1000 he's for real.
  4. Yep and under standble. And initially I thought that stalled convoy was to draw the Ukrainians out. And hoping they would engage them in open battle. But even if it was one for one casualties that was happening. Why isn't the Russian Pr campaign laying it in thick. Hey here is 1000 Nazis we just cleanse from Kharkov. The media got us out of Vietnam by showing dead US soldiers and how shitty war was. Russian disinformation is second to none. We have dealt with it for 8 years. Now all of a sudden we don't see it. Everything I've seen and though would happen has gone exactly opposite. Politically yeah we expect to talk tough but even the sanctions stuff. Is it really hurting the war effort? Military wise just makes me laugh. Why would Putin prolong the fight. If you have the hand to slap the shit out of the dude. Why not do it now and make him sue for peace. Prolonging this only puts him in a weaker position.
  5. I've always heard Russians are like Americans. They don't fly without electronics. So the only things available to shoot down a high altitude bomber is the S400s. As soon as they are turned on their systems get detected. A cruise missile will take care of that. The fact that they haven't attempted it makes me wonder. I'm just saying. Would you not take a chance at fucking up or just ending it outrisk being bogged down? It's like the navy and air force has been told to sit their asses down and let the glorious Soviet Red machine handle it. And don't get me wrong that might be it. We did some funny stuff with specOps on the submarine then all of a sudden other branches were like hey. We want part of this fun. But this has been a mainly army affair.
  6. If that black sea fleet isn't neutralized by outside forces. Odessa is done. Even if Midland Lee tries to help
  7. And don't get me started on the black sea fleet. So they let a patrol boat get close enough to get sank by a land based unit in Odessa? Get the fuck out of here. Those frigates can be shelling the shit out of Odessa without anyone coming close to them. They have everything they need but they send in their little guy to get hit my MLRs. These are the guys that harassed the shit out of our Navy not even a year ago and then now they are Barney Fife? It's not adding up anymore.
  8. And did the Ukranians hide their army under an invisibility cloak or something? Where is their armor? And why haven't the Russians sent in heavy bombers to just destroy it.
  9. And that's why I ask. I'm a submarine guy. My dudes are marine regulars. Another is scout sniper. A few were attached to rangers. 2 were actual rangers. And so on and so forth. But when I ask about the numbers they say must know the terrain so quick in and quick out but if the only thing you can drive in are roads because the other shit is around you is thick ass mud. How are they doing that much damage while it seems like they are taking none. Those are the questions that they are like you know if you even had a good advance team how are they sending little groups in to surprise them. Apparently running through mud is tiring and tough as shit.
  10. And I totally get that. It was like that when I was in. When your dudes are happy your job is easier. It doesn't take a nerd with a spreadsheet who touts KPIs and performance goals to figure that out. But staying alive is a helluva motivation. If they were that then we should be seeing mass desertion and POWs. I mean at this moment we have 200 thousand Russian troops who are very unmotivated just lollygagging in Ukraine with apparently the Ukrainian super army just sitting there saying yeah man. Shell us and bomb us at your leisure. It's just making me question the fog of war I guess that is there. What are they waiting for? Would I send my army in and confront the Russian army straight on? Hell no. But if they are sitting there I would shell them and demotivate the shit out of them.
  11. And that's what perplexes me. I respect your opinion because obviously you are the Ukraine expert but if Russia brought in 200,000 people to fight and the Ukranians have 200,000 people fighting that are actual military. And we have estimates that Russia have lost 10-15k soldiers. That's 7 percent of their total unit in two weeks. That's bad really fucking bad. So why can't Ukraine win. Are their numbers worse?
  12. Nah. And that's where I'm coming from. Even before this started I was in on this thread and I said hey the Russian top units match ours. Even their "rangers" maybe a step behind but they are still formidable. The rest yeah they suck donkey balls. I figured the Ukrainians to be similar even with western advisers. Even with billions in aid how much of that is grifted. I figured up to 50-60 percent. And yeah you're going to have some outstanding units. But stuff that I'm reading like their National guard and regular army battalions rocking the shit out of Russia surprised me. Hell, it might be all the other failures of countries we have "trained up" to fight and they will. One of my best friends was a military advisor for Iraq and he said those were the most useless guys in the world no matter what you taught them. Their trained JOs that get sent to school at Benning were even worst. He said maybe 5 out of 100 were worth a shit. The Afghanistan guys said the same thing. The guys getting sent to Colombia say the same thing. Name a country and they will say the same thing. Hell even the guys coming back from Korea say the same thing. They say those guys are professionals but are fucking rigid. So what makes the Ukranians so special that they can fight and be so damn good at it. Especially when there are certain factions including you saying we have no advisors there at all. So they are some sort of outlier? It just makes me wonder how the same dudes who were actually doing a good job in Donbas until the Russians came in and said sit down little brother you still can't do shit to us are all of a sudden beating the hell out of them. And then with a 200 thousand strong army, we are getting presented with this picture of oh yeah, it's a rag tag bunch of dudes who got together to shoot these Russians up. Where is this 200 thousand man army, did they split up into small cohesive fighting units and force multiply when need to? Because that's Ranger stuff. It takes more than 8 years of sending JOs to school in the US to make stuff like that happen.
  13. No doubt. It's like American Ninja 9: Kick Vlad in the Face
  14. I wish I can get a clearer picture of the battlefield in Ukraine. One minute it's Ukrainians partisan farmers wiping out entire columns. Then it's Ukrainian commandos doing ninja stuff to top notch Russian killers, then it's Ukrainian regulars encircling and killing battalions. Now it's Russian generals getting hit by 1500 meter sniper shots. 6 months ago if asked about Ukraine and you would hear it was one of the most corrupt and inept countries to exist. But all this time they were hiding some super army.
  15. I just have a hatred for all things Saudi. Can't say I've ever met a Saudi I liked. To keep it on topic what is it that Ivan Drago says If he dies he dies?
  16. I can't wait for his father to pass and the wahabbis are no longer bound by honor to be aligned with the House of Saud.
  17. Because the minute Putin decides he wants to end his shenanigans and quit playing warmonger. The sanctions go away. We may talk tough about the sanctions but as soon as Putin says oh I give up. They cut it. No one wants to sacrifice long term for a country they don't even know where it is. Hell give it 3 more weeks when the next big news event shows up and all of a sudden Ukraine goes away. If those jets somehow do make it which I say doesn't. And they end up destroying that entire convoy to Kyiv. That's going to reverberate back to Moscow and soldiers desert. That's the short term.
  18. There is a better chance of me going there and ended the war by releasing a deadly biological attack than the Polish MIGs ending up in Ukranian hands. It's a pipe dream. So the Poles send it to Ramstein and then what? We arm it and give it to Ukranian pilots? Fly it through German airspace? And then let them fly back to Ramstein? Like get the fuck out of here. If this doesn't get the Russians to declare war on NATO then it gets them to shut off German oil really fucking fast.
  19. Haha. I may have done the same thing. Said he was more about engagement and his seizing of oligarch wealth was necessary because it belonged to the Russians. And for it to go back into the sovereign investment fund would lead to a pro western Russia. Then he kept the money. And that's when I knew I was wrong. Oh so wrong...
  20. Just be glad it ain't Chinese coke. A source who I've known since elementary school told me there was pee pee in it.
  21. Never fail to take advantage when an opportunity presents itself.
  22. Haha. Poland with the ultimate power move. Hey we will send all the MIGs we have to Germany. What the US wants to do with it is up to them.
  23. Those things are conditioners. It helps with fission but not needed. It's like shampoo. You still get clean hair but without the conditioner you might not get that extra shine. As far as I know helium does not contain the property to act as any sort of poison. It can't swallow neutrons. And if it does. It turns into tritium which is an isotope of helium.
  24. So deadliest missiles in the western fleet is a sub launched D5 right? Now Google D5 test fail. Those are the public ones that are acknowledged. The rest it is between us an the nuclear nations that know.
  25. That is a great interpretation of how the nukes work and are maintained. Through testing they come up with a "will work 100 percent of the time" bases on calculations and testing. Will it work after that? Yeah but it's an unexplored realm that hasn't been scientifically proven. Now that we have high powered computers. They get better with how long. We have to remember nuclear weapons were developed with very basic computers. So yeah I would agree with you. Those nukes are going to work. Unless 60 years of sitting there had wires get wet or ants for in there and chewed up the wires. Or the wire gets so brittle. But the actual core. Yeah it will make something go boom. Like if a crane said rated for 10 tons. Does it mean it can only lift 10 tons? No we only tested to 10 tons. As far as their conventional stuff. It is the question. What the fuck are you waiting for. It is sort of like the question you asked earlier. Well if this thing is going to go to waste if I don't use it. Why not use it.
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