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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. War allows imagination. One of my favorite things to do when I'm bored is go back to weapons development. Pre civil war until now. We have some zany ass ideas but the Russians and the Chinese are out of this world stupid when it comes to it.
  2. But who is there to tell them they can't?
  3. Everyone wants to give them jets but no one knows how to. We can wish and hope all we want but if you don't have a solution to the problem it makes it tough. And even the airspace thing. I think Ukraine is learning how shitty it is being a nuetral country being surrounded by NATO and Russia. Even if Israel has any desire to help Ukraine. Who is going to let them fly through their airspace.
  4. The Ukranians fly MIGs. The Polish fly MIGS and F16s. The Polish cannot legally give away F16s. So it would be a swap the Polish gives the MIGs to the Ukrainians. And we give them F16s. The problem is we can't just let 70 Ukrainians jump next door to Poland and pick up fighter planes and go bomb a Russian convoy. That is a fight with the Russians. Hell even picking up 70 empty planes where do the Ukrainians park it. No one is going to let the Ukrainians fly combat missions out of their air space. Or even fly planes there. Do I ship 70 MIGS by ground and let the Russians capture or destroy it? You can't get fighter planes over there unless you seriously want to cross a line with Russia. A no fly zone would piss Russia off less in my opinion than giving the Ukranians a few fighter squadrons. And it's not like the Ukrainians can't fly an F16.but it's probably not the best time to see if they know how to.
  5. Don't ever completely boil the pho noodle. Fill up to half. The dry noodle absorbs the flavor. After it boils you aren't absorbing flavor anymore. Use pho broth separately just enough to soften noodle. After that pour over.
  6. As long as they didn't destroy it and just opened the flood gates it shouldn't be too bad. You have 1.3 million Ukranians gone. That takes a lot of the demand away. I don't think Ukraine tapped into the western European grid either. So anything they would supply is to Russia and they probably aren't.keen on that.
  7. It really is time for Zelensky to take off to Poland. Russia only needs to be right one time and he's a goner. It only takes one stray eye. One lukcy comm intercept and the Russians kill him. He needs to think about a government in exile just for a few more weeks because Russia is going to run of of supplies.
  8. The entire message says we know who you are where you are. We will hunt you down. That means what it says. We ain't taking prisoners We are just going to kill you
  9. What do you think not capturing POWs mean?
  10. And yes I am a bit drunk right now. But I think it maybe Russian propaganda. I was trying.to track the source and it went back to Pravda.
  11. https://kyivindependent.com/uncategorized/ukrainian-special-forces-will-no-longer-capture-russian-artillerymen/
  12. Ukraine just announced they are no longer taking POWs. No quarters given. Black flag has been raised
  13. The rotation is more like 3 and 3. 3 east coast subs. 3 west coast subs. 2 on standby rotation and 4 in some sort of long term maintenance. 24 ICBMs but it's more like 200 per submarine with the MIRVS. The actual number I don't even know even though right outside our bunk room is a nuclear missile tube. As far as why we can't shoot the missiles down is because of ABM, SALT, and START treaties. We aren't allowed to shoot them out of orbit when it goes into space. It was a MAD thing. Although we have gotten further and further away from it. The Chinese have shot satellites out of the sky. So have the Russians. We do too so while we can do it. It's sort of illega
  14. I'm a huge fan of the BUFFs. It's just a solid ass airframe. Rip out the guts and put better electronics on it and a bunch of missiles. Its payload is unbelievable. But you're absolutely right. It ain't the plane that was out in the 60s. The most modern variant can take out a lot of random things. Their standoff missiles have enough range to take almost any fighter jet out of the sky.
  15. My Chinese policy professor at UT said something that kind of stuck with me. I started out pretty left leaning with grand ideas. He said it's with the left that comes up with the good ideas. It's the guys on the right that is able to make it work. And I decided that's where I rather be. You can tell me if we make unicorn farts produce electricity it would work. But when you ask how a unicorn fart produces electricity. No one has a clue. I rather be the guy who is more realistic.
  16. Yeah I think I'm a reactor guy and not weapons but when everything started getting hardened with bunkers and everything. There is always some sort of penetrator now
  17. Yep. So growing up and we call our uncle 1st uncle second uncle 3rd uncle and so on and so forth. But what happens when you get curious and say hey That's uncle or aunt 1,2,3. That's 7,8,9. Where is 4,5, and 6. And you get met with silence.
  18. Yeah. We talk about radical islam. Radical Christians are happening. I see it amongst my friends and my co workers. When you are told some foreigner is going to steal your job they start believing it. Or if their friends didn't get hired but a minority got hired and it trickles into their mindset. It's scary as hell. Eventually some bad shit will happen but one of my good friends works for Boeing and he's on their helicopter project. When I first met him he was really apolitical. Just some random nerd. He is off the wall crazy now when it comes to white is right. Hell even one of my good friends I went to nuke school with and was on the submarine with. I was a groomsmen in his wedding. We have a core group of 9 of us that go vacation every year with or were groomsmen best man in each other's wedding. Our buddy got married last year and said man I cant invite him he hates Mexicans and I don't want my family to whip his ass.
  19. There is a whole generation of Chinese that can't swim because our parents were so traumatized by water. Think mine were stranded in the ocean for 10 days in an overcrowded boat until the US Navy happened to pass by. Kids starved to death. There are some things they refuse to say to this day about what happened and how they survived. I'm not even sure I want to ask.
  20. That's the funny thing. I'm pretty far right on the conservative type of thinking. But I'm pretty sure this is what their preachers are telling them
  21. Fuck you and the high horse you rode on.
  22. My parents told me of a story after they escaped the Vietnam war and were in the refugee camp in the Philippines. When it first started out they were getting a whole chicken and a bag of rice a day. After a few weeks it became half a chicken and half a bag of rice and kept getting smaller. I asked if it was because the donations kept getting smaller. She said no, it was because the people running the supply routes were getting paid to sell the supplies. I asked why they didn't say anything. She said who can we complain to. They would probably just kill us.
  23. Thats what I keep trying to tell people. We have food that rots away in silos and warehouses. We don't have the transportation
  24. Yeah one of my really good friends who I fish with and shoot the shit with all the time said Putin is a god fearing Christian and is doing God's work. I sat there and asked him if he believes it was the truth and he said Judgement day is coming and God will prove Vladimir right.
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