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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. Wear a GoPro. Go into the shit. Broadcast on youtube
  2. Yeah. I have a lot of buddies that were in combat and they said the fun part was fighting the enemy you could see. Once it became occupation it was horrific. Urban warfare still gives them nightmares. You could walk down the street and it would seem normal and then you were under attack with civilians all with AKs. 99 percent of them were going to get food. Might be a trash can on the way there. Bomb on the way back.
  3. Stuff already is moving and stuff is already there . COs have already put out the message. Hey the shit we say. Don't be going on tik tok which is owned by the Chinese on what we told you.
  4. Zelensky staying alive each night becomes more and more important. If they get to him I think the opposition starts to crumble
  5. I wonder how the street fighting is going to look in the day time with the city they just took.
  6. One of my weapons officers did his doctoral program on UUVs and he was out there. Basically a bunch of research grant stuff out there. As far as chance of getting nuked. Pretty low on the list.
  7. I'm at the point of pictures or it didn't happen.
  8. The Ukranians cannot afford a ceasefire. A ceasefire would surely mean no more weapons from the west as part of the agreement. Russia has time to adapt and reload. It's either fight now or become Russia.
  9. Must not be a surly lawyer. Otherwise you would know the power of strenuously sanctioning someone. It's way more effective than a regular sanction.
  10. Secret submarine base? They used to have a training reactor where some of the nukes would go for prototype but that's long gone. That's also the location we found out the army can't.be trusted with a nuclear reactor.
  11. What chilled me to the bone was the Russian Foreign ministers comment yesterday. He said hey if Russia isn't left here to play why should we not take everything with us. It doesn't matter if 1 or 100 of those nukes make it up there. They all have multiple reentry vehicles. So that's multiple targets. Throw that with a cyber attack and yeah. We are proper fucked. Yeah a Putin withdrawal is impossible at this point.
  12. Meh. You know how much grain we allow to rot away every year?
  13. I think they wanted and were planning to invade earlier. The Olympics of all things got them. I think that was part of his meeting with Xi and the other was the offensive blitz of intelligence launched by the US. Each time they put some out, they got delayed by another week.
  14. Yeah. Figured as much. Way too much attention and absolutely line crossing.
  15. And we can hear every word too.
  16. Hey farva what's that restaurant you like with all that goofy shit?
  17. I can only imagine the morale of the Russian soldier right now. He is being told when we get to the city they will see us as liberators. We will be drowning in Ukranian pussy and vodka. They get to the city and they are greeted with insults of small dicked cossacks who has a mom who sucks goat dick for pleasure and has a Molotov cocktail thrown at them by a Ukranian grandma.
  18. And in no way shape or form do I advocate for bombing hospitals but that's part of the PR machine. AA probably located right outside a hospital that was evacuated and used by fighters. A hospital is a good place to fight from. Supplies and generators but if you don't want a hospital to be hit. Don't fight from a hospital
  19. Only place I've ever been to that was worse was Venezuela.
  20. I think with regards to oil we are overlooking the big picture and how Russia selling oil at a discount doesn't hurt Russias bottom line as hard as we think it does. We have to remember Russia has been selling oil at Pandemic prices for 2 years at 40 bucks. Even if they take that haircut at 80. They are still double at what they were selling at. Someone will buy it and not give a fuck.
  21. Exactly. It's a super calm then holy fuck.
  22. Not thermo. If thermo it would have almost a 10 second delay and look like nothing then massive blast
  23. I know we've already talked tactical nukes. That convoy is perfect for a Putin false flag. It doesn't look like it's going to make Kiev with all the fuel issues. He may just lob one and false flag and blame it on the Ukranians and sue for peace while threatening to use his nukes. That's the only off ramp I see for him if his convoy stalls
  24. After this everything gets reshaped.
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