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  1. food truck out front sells fried peanut butter and nanner sammiches..... >> Poor boys and pilgrims with familiesAnd we are going to GracelandAnd my traveling companions are ghosts and empty socketsI'm looking at ghosts and empties << still a great album - background issues notwithstanding.
  2. bears need to avoid another slow start. the tortillas will be flyin'. tech 44, bears 27.
  3. e-MAN-u-ell gee-no-BEE-li - rod thorn congrats manu - every honor is well deserved.
  4. who's the next bozo to be invited to wear his pajamas to a sleep over at jerry's???? clown show - year 25.
  5. need a report on this one and some bootleg audio like it's 2001.
  6. stopped watching WT after Gabriela Sabatini retired.
  7. sperlt. damn sperlt.
  8. is weiskamp cant, then the spurs will vamp. said no one. GSG!
  9. surprise, surprise, surprise.... - g. pyle
  10. linkwitz riley and 4th order mrs butterworths slope and all that techno-jazz................... - the erstwhile audiophile
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