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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. Liucci is definitely keeping the fan base riled up, but behind closed doors he's very happy that he's going to make a lot more $.
  2. And the organizers forgot they were even there so they were told to just get in the back of the flag line
  3. Nolacycling

    Ames, IA

    Otter Creek in Ankeny Have a fried tenderloin anywhere Casey's pizza and Mountain Dew
  4. A good comedic movie about how we believe politics in Russia works is "The Death of Stalin".
  5. "I'm a teacher/coach. The cdl is for a school bus." All cops have a hard on for their hs coaches "Just wanna play football for the coach." Coney Island Baby Lou Reed
  6. I'm amazed at the range of effects the radiation caused.
  7. Everyone who voted a straight slate voted for at least one shitty person.
  8. He wasn't even bright enough to buy a property with a course. If I'm not mistaken, Mar A Lago doesn't have a course.
  9. Morels – $254 per pound The dried form is more expensive per pound because the mushrooms are lighter, and it takes many more to make up a pound. The fresh Morels weigh more and can range in price from $30 to $90 per pound.Jun 20, 2020
  10. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FCgow0KNc4Hc%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DCgow0KNc4Hc&tbnid=nEggcQOn-sJEXM&vet=12ahUKEwir5dH95OjxAhXXaKwKHc8hANwQMygAegQIARAR..i&docid=nbxYpNeDeEJr2M&w=1280&h=720&q=american ultra monkey virus&safe=active&ved=2ahUKEwir5dH95OjxAhXXaKwKHc8hANwQMygAegQIARAR
  11. Is there an end date to this or is this forever dole?
  12. I worry about the kids she interacted with at school.
  13. That is the risk according to the internet. All I can say is I haven't had an issue and they are commercially packaged. I do have to agree with whoever recommended a telemedicine diagnosis and the local CVS pharmacy.
  14. Csb/ Best course I took at UT was Canterbury Tales. It was taught by an ex-Jesuit priest. That dude was sharp. His view was The Miller's Wife butt kiss was oral sex. All those pockmarked, gross characters had venereal diseases.
  15. There's a little grumbling in SA re: Pop. San Antonio (Santa Antonions?) Got spoiled with success and his political stances don't make the $ people nor ownership particulary happy. The team is down. I think he'll take more crap if we don't win it all. Great coach.
  16. Wasn't he mediocre at best which was only funny because "he's ass, my mam" sat (sits?) Behind him. It's speculative $ except for 20k. Make it now, sir.
  17. So these kids will hire lawyers to help them with contracts, taxes, finding endorsements... There must be a very fine line between this and being a sports agent. An agent with a law license?
  18. Repo Man Brother from Another Planet
  19. TV'S Judge Joe Brown responded, “He gave them pills. He didn’t force it down their throats.
  20. Families are always rising and falling in America. William Costigan quoting Hawthorne.
  21. Paroxetine, 10mg. A doc originally prescribed it and it works for me.. Those of us with children remember "the pink stuff", amoxicillin. We knew the child needed it but sat through appointments. I've no interest in dealing with a doctor. I cross the border and make a day out of it, including the pharmacia. It's not cheaper but more fun.
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