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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. Olives suck.
  2. I realize it was a serious situation, but... "Hello sir, if you'll just have a seat wearing all your tactical gear here in our lobby. While you're waiting please fill out this complaint document. We're all out of clipboards but possibly you could use a plate from your body armor. Did you happen to bring a space pen or can I get you one? We're a bit backed up today, so someone should be with you in about an hour. Do you have a card or US coinage for your parking meter?"
  3. He figured nobody in the Army would know him since his buddies are at home playing army.
  4. Beans?
  5. The Good Ol' Days. Always better.
  6. I'm a dumbass. Went to "The Batman" . The screen presentation was sooo dark(not the theme), but I kept sitting there thinking the next reel will be better. Nope.Hardly knew who the characters were unless they spoke. Movie ends and I tell the kid waiting to clear the theater. " No, man that's the way it's supposed to be, you know it's a dark movie" get home check the interwebs, Surly Movies... and no mention of the fact that it's like the last battle in GOT. That dark. I go to the theater's site and level my complaint. Messaged back, " Sorry, free tix for you, we were having issues." Guess I'll go see The Batman. For the first time
  7. The greatest player on the planet better fucking figure out how to not have the ball knocked away.
  8. Project Veritas approves this message.
  9. No problem when you're 'Turning Japanese", can be difficult to read.
  10. Our calming room made the news! Massage chair next to the copier and the coke machine. Yeah, I got time for calming. "Serenity Now!"
  11. "I had to make all the stops!"
  12. SIAP. MR was filmed at St. John's and Lamar high schools. Of course Lamar had to have trash imported to make it the bad school.
  13. So Cloak Room has taught me to try and look past the headline and through the story. So....as much as I revel in this MTG removal news, I have to wonder. If she's from such a heavily Red district, is this really a Red move to get a voting Republican congress person back on the Hill?
  14. Drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or headache may occur. fuck getting old
  15. Music by Mothersbaugh?
  16. When DJ Mike died, daughter <pic called to tell me. I told her I didn't even know you liked Beastie Boys. "Dad, You used to make us listen to them going to soccer practice". I beamed.
  17. Michael Pena is kicking some Hollywood ass. Fury, Ant Man, and that movie with Wahlberg ,The Shooter.
  18. Agent: I think I know why we have reservations. Jerry: I don't think you do. You see, you know how to *take* the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation. And that's really the most important part of the reservation: the holding. Anybody can just take them.
  19. I detest the style reporters have now of asking questions that take a long time to set up so they keep their air time.
  20. Pleasantville great role
  21. "Do the Right Thing"
  22. I thought that stuff made you constipated.
  23. I eat at Applebee's about once/week because of the other nearby choices. So I was shamed into going to Texas Roadhouse instead. No lemons, just limes for my UNSWEETENED tea. Is this the right thread for the lemon/lime debate? I forget. Getting old sucks. Wait...
  24. And hoe much of this is mentioning alcohol. Unwritten rule.
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