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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. I voted for Carter. He made decisions that were tough and didn't sit well with Americans. 55 mph.
  2. Is Leroy Neiman out of a job or is he even alive?
  3. Where is all this "Elko has checked out coming from?"
  4. I'm walking in a couple days. Parents and the way they raise their kids is the problem.
  5. Thank you for replies.In terms of "where do you see yourself" or "what job", the people I see getting hired are basically trainable to do gov't work. The application I just completed was Disaster Specialist. WTH is that, I don' t know, but I'm ready to do something new. I don't want to get into the teacher thing, but I've been doing it since the 80's and we're not trained for shit. Anyway, I was an English teacher so I can read, write and speak in public.
  6. I am done,done, done with my current profession. I have hit the wall. I'm interested in FEMA type jobs that relocate you to different sites to provide assistance and aid. I have no particular skills, but I speak with people that tell me FEMA is hiring and give me the names of other companies that contract this work. They have no skills either, often not even a college degree. I have been wearing out my keyboard searching. Any ideas for contacts or internet searches? I would get on a plane headed to the Bahamas tomorrow. --a very-soon-to-be-retired teacher
  7. If Sean Spicer is a bad dancer I will vote for him. When is this show on, anyway?
  8. Where's the game being played? Whatever, don't care. Rice stadium is a great venue. Always enjoyed going there when I lived around there. Sunday night game on ESPN in the rainstorm was great. Mackovic was at the end of his rope and it was a three hour trainwreck you just couldn't take your eyes off. Playing Rice in basketball was great, too. Trivia. The dirt that makes the Miller theater hill is the excavated Rice stadium stuff.
  9. Doesn't seem as if it worked with you.
  10. Csb/Ron Roberts, son of Oral Roberts was my high school Chinese teacher in Tulsa. He was a linguist and spoke a number of languages. He told a story about how his wife wanted to be hired onto ORU faculty, so he had to teach her to speak in tongues for the "interview". Aside:1st time I smoked pot was with him. He's dead. Committed suicide.
  11. Pre-Waffle House there was a Steak and Egg Kitchen open 24hrs at the corner of Guadalupe and Lavaca.
  12. Since this thread is staying alive...I do a summer vacation where a large number of "teams" travel and party by bus for a week. There are a lot of headaches. Make sure your gesture of buying a party bus for your friends makes sense financially. It will have to be insured year-round and because it's not an rv, it can get expensive. Where are you going to store it? Who's going to work on it? Tires won't get a lot of mileage, but dry rot? There are a lot of inexpensive high-mileage buses out there, for a reason.
  13. Trump gets $110k pension from Screen Actors Guild.
  14. Renee Zelleigger as slot receiver. Very appropriate
  15. Really think you're over thinking this. I've never been on a party bus that has a partition. Just make sure the driver is sober, nothing goes flying out the windows and have fun.
  16. @heavily inflated Las Vegas prices af $1300/ounce after his entourage skims product and $ , that's an oz./day. That's a lot.Maybe he's being sold cbd oil at pot prices.
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