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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. Did some growing up in both Iowa and Oklahoma. Wrestlers work hard, very hard. It's a very underappreciated sport. My brother swam at Iowa and has some stories about Dan Gable literally kicking some ass within his team. Didn't the Russkies give him a horsehair coat because they admired hom so?
  2. Those are entertainment. Entertainment survives on popularity. If you started quoting news programs ,I might give a shit. And yes you do watch and read too much crap.
  3. Meh, flu vaccine is about 33% effective, not on the same playing field as measles, etc... Sounds like your life sucks because your wife complains.
  4. I'll buy you a beer if you run into him. These lying, cheating hustlers have been in prison probably working as consultants and confidants and are already millionaires again. They won't be out of a job long, because when it comes to making $, anything goes.
  5. Good Gawd, being a coffee drinker is a pain in the ass.
  6. Boy, that agroid vs bama game was garbage. Avery can't coach and his kid can't play. Sorry, wrong thread.
  7. In a short department meeting w/your wives and Teacher Suzie's b'day lunch comes up."What shall we do? Let's have a nacho bar!" Yeah let's spend the $ to cook, transport it to school, keep it warm through the morning, have no alcohol, transport home and clean. " " You know Chuy's has a free nacho bar during happy hour. " Silence. So anyway I'm bringing chips.
  8. How soon we forget. Babe Didrikson. Hands down. Men-Jim Thorpe
  9. dotard's response after he does not win Nobel: Yeah, so this Gal found a cure for cancer. I call her Gallium Scam Gal because she didn't really do any of the work. She's from Madagascar, have you seen Madagascar? 3rd world Shithole. They don't have Caravans in Madagascar, nobody is trying to Nuke them, but I hear the beaches are good, very clean. Abe from Japan is the only one that knows how hard I work on my executive time, got me a Great Price on a Sony. The Best! Abe's a good guy, but he's got a problem with hermits and very small hotel rooms. I'm working with him on that.
  10. I have moved a lot over the last 15 years and I have terrible luck, because wherever I land the locals tell me that their city has the worst drivers in the world. Just can't win.
  11. SOE is so dire, cheeto is going golfing. for rizzle.
  12. So when dotard announced the SOE, libtards in Brownsville shit a brick. Looks like it's just the cost of labor now.
  13. The history of basketball not going away.
  14. Bathtub? just trying to be helpful. Have you had a doggie door b4? There are downsides, but I'm single, so I don't care.
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