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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. Remember when Randall's didn't sell alcohol because of their religious bent but you could count on a liquor store next door? They succumbed. Blue laws- You could buy a hammer, but not nails(or visa versa) Don't auto dealers have to close 1 day/week?
  2. And while I think it's moronic to have your child suffer and there can be terrible consequences Yes, I realize and am as happy as you that children don't have to suffer AND die in the numbers they used to. I said anti-vaxers are morons. I can't change their dumbass decision. no death is good. Coming out of the 50's, just didn't SEE a lot of death . Yes i know it existed.
  3. Confederate flag. It's all about states' rights.
  4. I do want to add this. I posted earlier that I'm from an ancient time where there was no vax. And while I think it's moronic to have your child suffer and there can be terrible consequences, how many deaths are occurring?
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.precisionvaccinations.com/measles-virus-transmitted-airborne-particles-droplets-and-direct-contact-respiratory-secretions%3Famp&ved=2ahUKEwjvxv-czZTgAhVD6IMKHVwwDcYQFjACegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw3_Pjk44Wk-NPseyUaTOedb&ampcf=1 I never do this right. Anyway Measles has hit an inbred Ultra-dox NYC AREA
  6. If God is an agroid, glad I'm an atheist.
  7. I think I said it on the Big 12 or Shaka thread. "We will beat them for no reason whatsoever" @Machinator you stay you, never go full Cameltoe
  8. you're correct. either way it wasn't much of a difference.
  9. Single teacher own nothing but a dog. I got a lower refund. I hate him. Trump that is.
  10. There's not enough fingers on two hands to point out all that he has done wrong.
  11. If Trump makes it to the end of a term, his Presidential Pardon list is going to be epic! Oh, and get off the Mid-West's back.
  12. Awesome! So when we play them with our bigger lineup we'll...go 7/35 from 3 pt line.
  13. That neighbor that seems to visit alot.
  14. I always wanted to teach that Bible class and open students' eyes as to how that book was cobbled together.
  15. You mean relationships like Goldie Hawn in 'Wildcats" or Sandra Bullock in "The Blind Side" ? Just kidding. Seriously, just kidding.
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