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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. Comrade Snowball is a spy
  2. good luck
  3. Yes, but is it a particular part of the city? Houston ISD considered lame, but suburban schools generally good.
  4. Wait until you visit your daughter's elementary school. The stench coming out of the restrooms will gag you. Or are you a homeschooler? You seem like a homeschooler.
  5. Chicken or egg? Does a school become shitty and underserve the population or does a shitty population make it a shitty school?
  6. Presently teach @ Carrol. Personally, I love Carroll's building. I have 8 ft windows looking out on courtyards and large trees. It's set up like an old motel where my door opens onto a open-air walkway. Looks as if it was built in 60's. I can't guess at the costs to bring the building into the 21st century, but probably extensive. Vets solved overcrowding until now. They have grown and would be classified as the only 6a school in the Coastal Bend come next Spring w/UIL realignment.. CCISD will not allow this to happen because of the costs and time involved in bussing students involved in activities to the Valley or San Antone. There is a huge school board battle on the horizon as Vets boundaries will change and people who bought homes in order to attend the "good" school will be pissed. The new Carroll is meant to appease them. Also it is so easy to sell the safety issue these days. As far as airplane parts dropping on the property, I don't know who to believe. Funny note- designers were instructed to move the practice fields in harm's way rather than the building. I've only been here two years and can't confirm the stories of who are getting various contracts or who owned the land.
  7. 2015 Torshin leaves parliament to become deputy governor of Russia's Central Bank; Butina becomes his assistant. Butina and Torshin attend an NRA convention in Nashville; Torshin says he met Donald Trump there. Butina questions Trump at Freedomfest gun show in Las Vegas. NRA delegation visits Moscow on Butina's invitation, meets Torshin, oligarchs, top officials.
  8. Dated a girl from England or so I thought. Met her in June and on July 1 she tells me she had an office bet that she could be Britishish for the month. Buh bye.
  9. So much in a name. Black Israelites Remember this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/rush-limbaugh-defends-violent-lords-resistance-army-survivor-responds/2011/10/18/gIQA8CjxuL_blog.html
  10. Because he does what Trump likes best, he's just another distraction.
  11. ISU up On KU. So nice to watch well-played hoops.
  12. Trump would have loved Ty Cobb.
  13. Closing Friday. My pyramid. I will die in this house.
  14. user name checks out
  15. South Park taught me urine is sterile and you should actually wash your hands before you wipe her.You should carry around a bottle of hand sanitizer, a big bulky one ,probably some Clorox,too. .Maybe a sign to place on the stall door saying "Daughter on Toilet". Don't forget to put some of that poop smell stuff in the toilet and be sure she doesn't get a Poseiden's Kiss if she poops. Next summer if you allow her to go swimming don't think about the fact that the water going in your kids mouth has washed over, in, and through every bodily orifice in the pool. Make sure to clear all this with your husband. Congratulations on your adoption. Oh, and shitty thread title.
  16. in conference, I believe.
  17. The picture in my mind is black DC firefighters turning the hoses on these rednecks.
  18. That's why she asked. Now he cannot move it and he will look like an idiot on tv telling his same old lies, that less and less people are accepting.
  19. https://www.google.com/search?q=serenity+now&safe=strict&client=ms-android-boost-us&prmd=visn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjH5PutyvDfAhUyTd8KHfbmBJ8Q_AUIFigC&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=cwc0boXeWSaakM Serenity now!
  20. cross posted from basketball thread. Go away. Far away.
  21. This is exactly the type of game our athletes get up for. Of course that's what makes the Radfords and OSU's so much harder to swallow.
  22. I wouldn't notice if 850 was missing from an account. The humble brags continue.
  23. This is one of those threads I open apprehensively because I'm thinking someone's transferring. Similar to C Struggs transferring to heaven.
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