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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. He just looks so lost.
  2. SIAP. My go Fund Me to raise $ for laptops for my classroom (thank you Shaggy) allowed me to withdraw $ as it was deposited, goal met or not. Maybe the rules are different for large amount GFM's or since the case where a crew faked a homeless man giving pizza to someone else then started a GFM for him. They got busted.
  3. i fell for the Fozz schtick and then she turned up on basketball thread saying shaka was a good coach. Definitely a troll.
  4. Trumpdown?
  5. Obamacare? Everyone still remembers that Cruz caused a shutdown, even his own party.
  7. I wonder how many gun barrels she had to take while she was fucking those NRA guys. Yeah those are things I wonder about.
  8. Seriously, which? I enjoy your CR posts, because they so often come from a different angle, so which? Seriously. Who's a top 15 team?
  9. So you're NOT being sarcastic with your b'ball posts this year? Or are you?
  10. Purdue has a deep history, but they are unranked this year.
  11. Edward's? why not Roach or DO?
  12. Did we recruit Edwards?
  13. Apologies, just invested in Cowboys and Horns now. There's only 1 Duke and Kentucky and North Carolina and Kansas, but the constant is having a coach. Having a coach who can evaluate talent to fill needs.Having a coach who understands a teams strengths and weaknesses.
  14. Oh shit there's 3 minutes left in 1st half
  15. we win if Purdue shoots this poorly 2nd half
  16. More 3 point shots!
  17. Yeah, look how the gov't runs the postal service. But , my SS check does arrive on time.
  18. Luv you Iowa brother, but how many stop signs are there in Clinton or Cresco or whatever,IA?
  19. France is the new distraction topic. Left there = left here.
  20. It will be interesting to see how he chooses to protect his kids. Or not.
  21. As we snicker at his latest moniker it actually is a accurate name for who he is. The southern rubes, coal-country hard heads, racists and old that elected him don't see a human being but an ideological entity that represents what they want. He's Big Brother, doesn't matter what he looks like or acts like because we've always been at war with the blacks, browns and the government.
  22. Jimmy Carter also did a little "lusting in his heart"
  23. My experience was that in stings they didn't want to work hard at tricking you because it would be called entrtapment in court. Juveniles would often be wearing hs letter jackets and id's that clearly showed they were underage.
  24. I told this story on the old site but for you TABC haters...They come into my ice house because there's been a report of drug usage which is 100% true because the bar property had a small bit of land and people would light up out back. Of course they could also spot any TABC or law enforcement vehicle and cover up. So the inspection continues and they go through the bar, my office, and the office fridge and find nothing. Thank you, so long. As they pull away I remember that someone had paid their bar tab with 4 mason jars full of marijuana butter and the agents had looked right through them. In addition I had a mushroom caramel wrapped in tin foil in the freezer which they had obviously seen. Then a customer comes in and tells me that she had backed into the TABC car denting it, but because it was night they didn't see the damage.
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