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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. so, we're young again?
  2. Wasn't Bowen the player that would step under jump shooters and was inefficient once he left Pop's system?
  3. Kush and Bush Edibles and bedables
  4. We have a local commercial for a foreign automotive repair shop. A man testifies about the great job they do maintaining his 6 z3's and daily driver BMW. The owner appears and says, "Thanks Pastor Rick."
  5. Solid movie. Spike's style is different and is on full display here. Saw an interview w/Spike and cop and David Duke recently called the cop because he had concerns about how he was going to be portrayed.
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=joe+buck+midnight+cowboy&oq=joe+buck+mi&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.14453j0j9&client=ms-android-sprint-mvno-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=DC6ZkgYW7qF8CM:
  7. That's gonna be a long pipeline.
  8. Same way we paid for Iraq war and then Dem. President will be left to clean up the mess.
  9. my subscription expired today. good while it lasted
  10. He did a good job catching passes out of the backfield.
  11. Do they also write "the xmas letter" that keeps everyone in the loop as to what a wonderful, fantastic year your family had and why you are so thankful? It's like turrets in reverse.
  12. Orca of Peace is a moniker like Rapist of Love.
  13. Press conference was a joke as this lying sack of shit went on and on about how his company's drug Innate was going to cure MS2. But guess what? It didn't work, so he sold it short with inside info. Actually, the best part was how he "scraped" together funds to buy some company in Buffalo and then promptly moved it Niagara creating 100's of jobs. Uh, what about the jobless you created in Buffalo? effin' loser
  14. like all the Russkies that paid above market value for those trump condos
  15. I really hope Dirt Bike doesn't find out about Q anon. @CooterBrown
  16. sorry, but you are overly involved. your intentions are great. keep providing options in case f'ball does not work out. Choir, band, swim, xc... I hope I'm wrong, please keep us updated as to how his ms coaches placed him.
  17. I heard it was pussy.
  18. Ketamine prescribed. Seriously those idiots are saying "a couple weeks". Clemons puts 300lbs of pressure on every step. Foot injuries are serious for big men.
  19. From Texags. Vet gives his diagnosis on Clemons injury. "First, based on Jimbo's description of the fracture as "there is a little bone out there", this could be what is commonly called a Jones fracture, or fracture of the 5th metatarsal base. It is a common injury of athletes and occurs when the toes are planted and the foot moves inward. This is purely conjecture on my part, based on the description and my medical experience (DVM and MD)."
  20. Calling a shot. On the first series vs. Clemson he will beat the snap count, shoot the gap and make a tackle in the backfield. He will not be seen after that.
  21. metric system
  22. quel domage
  23. "Due to time constraints we move ahead in the action" Yeah, I got it.
  24. maybe they do. Have you read how Buffet eats at McDonalds often and leaves the house with exact change?
  25. IMO the worst outcome of aggy playing Clemson and Alabama early in the season is going to be the injury factor. Those two schools have some very large individuals.
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