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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. Are BattleBot refs cross certified in Dodgeball?
  2. So UM vs Wisconsin match-up in NCAA tourney for all those conspiracy theorists.
  3. The Huffines radio commercials are hilarious, makes it sound as if Abbott is a screaming liberal. Interviewed on conservative SA radio yesterday and the host had a very hard time distinguishing between Huffine's "True Republican" spiel and playing politics to keep votes in Abbot's camp. I am enjoying this primary fight.
  4. Not as much as the bricks the agroid men have been shooting this season. rim shot?
  5. Hash House Harriers songbook "Drunk last night..."
  6. What's that I smell on the evening breeze? It's the goddamn Dutch making Limberger cheese, God made the Irish and they ain't much, but they're a hell of a lot better that the GD Dutch.
  7. it's better than watching Buzz flop sweat his suit.
  8. 2A team loses a player? Looks like it's gonna be 1A now.
  9. This is such an empty stat. Those #1 classes at Alabama, GA. and Clemson had surrounding single digit or at least top 10 recruiting classes. Agree with your analysis.
  10. I know you like the Valle, so yes baseball is popular. But I believe its been awhile and its been Vets not the old schools. I did a quick perusal of the alignment, did they separate Harlingen and South?
  11. Corpus Christi ISD continues to bs about population at Vets Memorial. Previous realignment they were 4 students under the 6A minimum. And that was bs. Anyone from CC can tell you that area is the only legitimate growth in the city and the school pop avg a 8% growth. I can see that the cost involved in having only 1 6a team in the City and surrounding areas would be a huge $ loss. At the same time, the numbers I saw had them 50% bigger than the other City schools and rightfully dominating. TLDR. Corpus sucks at sports.
  12. Are the Irish Fishermen still intimidating the Ruskies? So awesome.
  13. I live in South San Antonio and witnessed a dog being run over yesterday. When I drove through later, it was curled up dead. I've seen this more than once in this poor part of SA and it's disgusting and heart breaking. Life is cheap. I'm sitting here with my Pit on my lap. She's better behaved than my mutt and loveable, but the few times its gotten a head of steam it's Katy bar the door. This dog has cost me too much $ in fencing and worry. I rescued the dog from the streets and would never do so again, but now it's my responsibility to keep the dog alive and people safe. In terms of dog packs, locally we just had a pack of huskies taken down for goat killing.
  14. Got a ticket on 37 in Lyford in South Texas for driving with one headlight...at 4:00 in the afternoon. Cop finds a beer can and calls (the other) cop from Lyford. Multiple sobriety tests and now they call DPS. In the meantime a Raymondville cruiser stops by for the show. I blow and DPS trooper just rolls his eyes at the local yokels. Now it's 6:30 and instead of being home I'm paying for a motel in Raymondville. With time to kill, I do a little research that and find that Lyford is under investigation for pulling people over and writes 3 times more tickets than Raymondville, which is larger. The ticket is a complete mess with misspellings and wrong info. I call the guy who handles their traffic court, he laughed and we settled.
  15. "Write off" is a reference to Seinfeld. But it is also a sad truth that it's not worth it to these delivery companies to protect some merchandise. I get it, it's a sad commentary on America, but what are the economics driving it.
  16. So what? Fishing lures? Convenience store clerks get fired for being heroes. It's a write-off.
  17. My name is Jack, I'm a necrophiliac. I fuck dead women, and I fill them with jism. I get frustrated when they're cremated, 'cuz try as I must, You Can't Fuck Dust!
  18. Jammer and Diggs have had fantastic longevity
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