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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. Progresso is a completely safe place to cross. Last visit I struck up a conversation w/a man in a Canada t-shirt. He said he was actually from Indiana, but w/Trump and the wall and all he didn't want locals to think he was American.
  2. Nolacycling


    I bought one w/phone recharge port. I broke it. I do dig this vaping and edible world.
  3. Oh yeah the" 'ol Florida Fix" Thank you for the laughs today! #Off-seasonsucks
  4. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to say that.
  5. I guess the facts that nobody has started a thread and the theater today was empty explains it. I bought a $10 Moviepass which is awesome. So because of that, this movie was worth seeing. It was fun, Foster is great, Dave Bautista continues to be interesting to watch. The hot girl from Kingsmen is even hotter. Charlie Day keeps getting paid. (So does Jeff Goldblum)
  6. Nolacycling


    Just leaving Trinidad, CO. I had never been inside a dispensary. Amazing! So nice to control of what I put in my body, because of labelling, variety. I left w/2 Sativa , 1/hybrid cartridge and 20 gummies Sativa. Really enjoying gummies.
  7. Doesn't Wood give everyone a hard time, but he is asking for better documentation? But agree that he's making money after this.
  8. Will Big Tobacco be up against produce companies? It's gonna grow wherever it can, spinach, corn, soybeans.
  9. I am crossing into Mexico this weekend at Progresso. So this Ambient drug...
  10. That's a cool website. The Secret Barrister was interesting re: Tommy Robinson.
  11. Cohen had 16 cell phones when they raided his office, so maybe there's more to come.
  12. -----------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS-------------------------------- Most commonly observed adverse reactions were: Short-term (< 10 nights): Drowsiness, dizziness, overt racism, batshit craziness and verbal diarrhea Long-term (28 - 35 nights): Dizziness and drugged feelings (6.1) To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact NAACP at 1-800-633-1610 or ABC at 1-800-ABC-SUCKS
  13. I like our conference. I like the fact that we play true round robins in all of our sports. I don't want our athletes travelling numerous times to the Pacific Northwest. I don't want basketball games that start at 9:00pm. That's what I want.
  14. You're an idiot.
  15. What's that I smell on the evening breeze? It's the goddamn Dutch making limburger cheese. God made the Irish and he didn't make much, but they're a helluva lot better than the goddamn Dutch.
  16. Well those Big 10 trips to Rutgers and Maryland might be taking a bite out of the budget. A bus trip to Ames and Manhattan sounds cheap.
  17. Well, look at the big brain on Samson's Wig.
  18. This Russian connection started a long time ago. Interesting read. Skip through restating of current events. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/michael-cohens-ties-to-russia-crime-and-trump-w518941
  19. I'm a high school swimming coach and would always volunteer to be the assistant coach on my girls softball teams. I didn't need/want the headache of being head coach in something additional. I enjoyed watching the parents coach and always learned something from them to add to my own bag of tricks.
  20. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/cias-haspel-can-tap-undercover-work-in-russian-operations
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