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Certifiably Surly
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Sawbonz last won the day on April 5 2024

Sawbonz had the most liked content!


28,330 Surly 1%

About Sawbonz

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  1. These stupid fucks claim they are worried about β€œspending” When is the last republican administration who made meaningful cuts in spending?
  2. Did these researchers ever stop and consider that maybe people aren’t getting enough alcohol? Seems like those cancer cells should die faster than the normal cells
  3. How many no calls like that did we have this year
  4. Irish kicker going to re injure his groin with all these PATs and KOs
  5. Imagine hitting a receiver in stride
  6. We had ample opportunity to make him irrelevant. He was the biggest impact player in the game although not enough to affect the final outcome
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