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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. NCSB in 2009 I thought about buying 1 BRK.A share. Alas I did not
  2. I know a lot of people with really high incomes and a few with pretty high net worth. The ones with high net worth are almost always the cheapest bastards you can imagine
  3. Hey Wilt man I’m open! Pass me the ball
  4. ^^^was just about to look for this gif. Should have known it would already be posted
  5. The guys on the ticket this morning said this is 100% Harrison with no input from ownership (including Cuban). Said he has been shedding euro players since he got here as well as isolating Luka in terms of coaching and ancillary staff. supposedly he has a vision of the types of players he thinks can win championships in the NBA and he looked across the league and AD was the one he wanted with what he has already assembled even if this is all true it is inexcusable to get only one number 1 4 years from now. That’s just a terrible unforced error sounds like a total moron to me but time will tell
  6. So sad. I won’t be surprised if it comes out he is bipolar or schizoaffective. Drugs are often used to self medicate by these folks. And he’s the right age for a break
  7. Are you being contrary or do you actually believe this simple incompetence
  8. On the right there are 3 dots you can hit to “show post”. Every once in a while I do. And usually am reminded why I put the dipshit on ignore. (Oh and I saw this post because someone else quoted you). I’ll leave another neg because of all the wasted clicks
  9. Titanic playing in the OR lounge. Watching the band fiddling scene rn. Very appropriate imo. And soothing
  10. I’m trying to think who else was on those spurs teams
  11. What do you see the odds of this happening? Vegas says +3000 is that good? That doesn’t seem good
  12. Everyone knows AD doesn’t improve this team’s chances of winning anything. This is all a bunch of bullshit and a huge fuck you to the fan base. This cunt and her spawn don’t give a shit about the city of Dallas or the team or its fan base. fuck Cuban for selling to her.
  13. Can you name one that was a straight up swap for a player of Luka’s caliber for one of AD’s?
  14. These threads are much better with him on ignore fyi
  15. What about the environmental impact of the batteries w EV relative to fuel cells? honestly don’t know
  16. I wouldn’t test unless I was in the window for tamiflu to work (?24 to 48 hrs from symptom onset I think). If you have a fever over 101 and or shaking chills and body aches do yourself and coworkers a favor and stay home. If fluids and advil/tylenol aren’t helping that first day get tested so you can get a course of Tamiflu and cut it short a couple of days.
  17. Ugh. Apparently flu A is a real bitch this year.
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