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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. It’s just those dang ol sec defenses they are so tough I tell you what
  2. So I was mistaken it was Harris alone who proposed it. I thought I remembered hearing about it earlier in the year but this is what I found. Looks like it would be means tested to some extent https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/08/politics/harris-home-health-care-medicare-proposal/index.html
  3. You mean like Biden/Harris plan to pay family members for caregiving? I’m not sure that’s on the table any more
  4. That’s cool. 3 from your list has already happened
  5. Are you trying to draw a logical equivalence between what individuals are scared of and campaign promises made by the president-elect? I gotta tell ya I’m puzzled
  6. 10% interest rates lol Omg he said “around 10%” more lies from the lamestream media!!! also eat a dick libcucks Trump rules!!!
  7. 1,2,4,6,7 and 12 are easily verifiable. He’s a pathological liar and the rubes lap up this shit. Why would I doubt the rest?
  8. I mean he comes in hot with an ad hominem about the source of the list then gives a “nanna nanna boo-boo Kamala lost” and then expects mature discourse
  9. Nah you plagiarized my insult which is more evidence of your being the moron
  10. Can’t think of something more creative? Seems pretty moronic
  11. No I’m calling you a moron.
  12. Which of those do you doubt he has said? You are one of the morons who says “he never said that” while video plays of him saying exactly “that” aren’t you?
  13. I’m not racist I’m Ecuadorean lol
  14. What do you get if you put the word in google with 3 numbers?
  15. I would kill every one of you for a Hilux hybrid
  16. I will be serious for a minute and say I think tariffs are our best chance to arrest climate change before total collapse. It’s a way to capture the cost of what is essentially slave labor and environmental destruction. But I don’t think Trump will go about them with that in mind; and even if he did I don’t think our citizenry is willing to accept the additional cost of goods. Basically we are fucked
  17. It is literally a crime that we can’t have this. Truly something all can agree on regardless of party. Our leaders have failed us
  18. I only take as much w2 income as I have to. csb my first “real” job was landscaping for 3.25 an hour summer after my sophomore year in hs. I always cashed my check on Fridays at the liquor store down the road from the shop. Started my first post fellowship job at a practice back in my hometown, and just for grins took my first paycheck to the same liquor store to cash. They refused to cash it because it would have come close to busting them through the weekend It’s not grocery store money, but I felt pretty good
  19. Tell me it’s any church but 2nd Baptist. My great grandfather was a founding member there
  20. No but I expect several Hur-Dur investigations in the next 3 to 4 years There’s a non zero chance there are human body parts in his freezer
  21. My bank account is going to love it. And while the rest of you suckers suffer, well I think I’ll manage
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