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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. At the height of Covid I saw an adult patient with special needs. She came in with her mid 70’s mother who was her caregiver and only living relative. As a certain type of person was wont to do, she worked Covid into the conversation, basically saying it wasn’t that bad and the vaccine was more dangerous than the infection. By this point each of my children had a friend who had lost at one grandparent to Covid, and I had lost one of my best friends from HS and one of my wife’s best friends had lost her husband, both late 40’s and otherwise healthy. Knowing her age, I asked her if she remembered polio. Turns out she fucking had it as a toddler!! Luckily a mild case. Showed me her calf atrophy and mild leg length discrepancy. I said don’t you think your parents would have given you that vaccine had it been available? She said of course, but that was different (??!) Finally I told her about the people I knew who had died and the healthy general surgeon I knew who spent a month on the vent as one of the first cases in DFW, looked at her daughter and said if you die what happens to her? She wound up getting the vaccine, but Jesus people can be thick headed
  2. Fuck Jeff Fisher
  3. And guess who is responsible for most of the births and who else is responsible for most of the deaths
  4. Of course it’s never going to happen
  5. Germany is our de facto forward staging area for the Middle East and Africa. Ukraine has proven NATO doesn’t need the US to handle Russia. Of course it will never happen because $$$$
  6. Yes and no. At some point NATO has to stand up to the bully. Germany telling the US to straighten up or leave goes a long way towards that. If that makes Putin happy in the short run who gives a shit.
  7. Who cares what Putin wants? The US needs to be in Germany way more than the Germans need us there. Germany could end all of Trumps bullshit posturing about nato by telling us to gtfo
  8. Whatever was spent on you was completely wasted
  9. So he deserved to die? I really hope someone shoots that piece of shit
  10. She could make that per month on OF
  11. When narcissists collide
  12. Germany should give the US a timetable to withdraw all military personnel. We’re more trouble than we are worth to them at this point. It would really fuck up our ability to project strength in the Middle East and Africa and
  13. The ones with bird flu are the easiest to catch
  14. I made it to 0:36
  15. I would like to see a study that excludes beginning of life and end of life care and see how we rate. Those are areas where we are, rightly or wrongly, likely spending orders of magnitude more than comparable societies
  16. How do you put a thread on ignore?
  17. John Mateer seems like he sucks
  18. Too soon
  19. Best I can do is…whatever this is
  20. Are you saying the demographic that wears “fuck your feelings” shirts got their feelings hurt and that’s why they voted for the orange turd? They were always going to vote for him of course they are not solely to blame, but I have no pity for them. They are getting what they asked for
  21. If you’re ever become a bum (or hobo) don’t make enemies and then drink near tracks. Apparently one way fellow bums get revenge is wait until you pass out and then drag you to where your legs are on the tracks and the rest of you isn’t. Took care of a few patients that had that happen to them over the years
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