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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. What level of evidence is the one you posted?
  2. What level of evidence do you think that article is?
  3. Why would I read the abstract of a self reported retrospective cohort study of psychosocial bullshit? I do agree that if I were a liberal teenage girl with MAGA parents I would likely want to eat a bullet
  4. Liberal female adolescents with MAGA parents are depressed? GTFOH
  5. If all was right in the world this game would be kicking off in an hour
  6. I thought they were all documentaries
  7. With those narrow hips she probably couldn’t have more than 6 or 7 children
  8. Where do you see me saying you want horrible things to happen to women? You have clearly shown you don’t care if horrible things happen to women. Not the same thing
  9. A threat that should be zero. And is not zero because people like you think women are worth less than men. **and less than clumps of cells
  10. Imagine thinking the right to bodily autonomy is “political brain damage” yeah your daughter does not confide in you
  11. They actually talk w their parents about their concerns She knows it’s pointless or your daughter doesn’t talk to her either. Very common sadly
  12. Your daughter does as well, if she’s a teenager. Unless you physically keep her from other girls, she knows a girl who has been sexually assaulted or who has an older sister who has. Assuming your daughter is 7th grade or older, I am sorry she doesn’t feel comfortable enough to talk with you about it. Hopefully she confides in your wife, or the parents of a close friend ETA interesting you try to throw mental health into this. Some of the most anxious of her friend group have the most right wing parents. And those parents have no idea
  13. Good. Then you can feel the pain of her anxiety about being a teenager and then young woman in this new reality Assuming she feels comfortable sharing those fears w you.
  14. These cases? I posted about one instance where I think malpractice could have. But for the draconian laws in place it never would have gotten to the point of hemorrhage and sepsis I hope you have daughters
  15. Doesn’t even have the decency to use an enclosed lectern to hide those useless appendages from the normal folk
  16. I’m so mad I can’t see straight at bullshit like this. Many of us here are high achievers with wives who are the same. We put off having children, and older couples have more trouble conceiving and have a higher risk complicated pregnancies. Many of us have posted about pregnancies that ended in miscarriages that required D&C. I can’t imagine the added stress of pregnancy in Texas in the current environment for a young healthy woman (and partner), much less a couple in their 30’s trying to conceive. My youngest daughter and several of her friends are getting IUDs, not because they are sexually active or plan to be in the near future, but in case they get raped What a world right?
  17. And you are fine with innocent women dying to reduce that number.
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