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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. No I want to listen to you genius. She’s a corporate shill right?
  2. He literally got impeached for it
  3. I was told she is a radical leftist communist
  4. Defense hasn’t quit
  5. That little counter pass or whatever you call it has been solved by the DCs. Need to put it on the shelf
  6. When Ewers has time he’s lethal. I just don’t trust him to handle pressure
  7. If they were able to do fraud at that level Texas would be blue
  8. Eat a dick Brent
  9. lol kiffin is a moron
  10. That’s begging the question imo
  11. If play is stopped for an injury, the player should have to stay out of the game until change of possession unless his team uses a timeout
  12. What makes you think this is occurring
  13. Y’all seriously didn’t know any preacher’s kids growing up?
  14. Sound off though
  15. I can’t even get my kids to take paper money
  16. I’m sorry for the personal attacks. I know the posts are still there bc they are quoted but I deleted the originals If you have any empiric evidence to share that illegal immigrants have cast votes in substantial numbers please post a link. And I haven’t seen anyone here say Trump can’t win. I certainly haven’t. I do find it interesting that most of the documented election fraud since 2016 has been committed by Trump supporters. Just some food for thought for you
  17. Apologies
  18. Apologies
  19. Sawbonz

    Not a Tesla

    I think where this will go wrt pickups and larger vehicles is an EV platform but with onboard electricity generation via hydrogen
  20. Alleged criminal says he didn’t do it I don’t know about y'all but I’m convinced
  21. Something tells me she’s going to be just fine
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