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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. But you have to go quite a ways along the bell to get to “smart”
  2. These things aren’t mutually exclusive
  3. lol “beta” You’re alpha like this guy
  4. Come on man get off twitter.
  5. Lol “leftist” Not being an orange mushroom knob slobber like yourself doesn’t make him a leftist
  6. Did that sound coherent in your head before you typed it out? Are you really trying to excuse your dehumanizing an elderly victim of a hammer to the skull by accusing me of homophobic behavior? I don’t even know what that second paragraph means. You’re an idiot
  7. Maybe they’ll grow up and vote for gun control 🤷
  8. What does one thing have to do with the other in your 90 IQ, junior college dropout broken brain? Do you think that someone getting a dui, whether it “could’ve killed anybody” - or even if it did kill somebody- means it’s ok to laugh at them when someone caves their skull in with a hammer? Or only if they are gay?
  9. Maybe they mess around with classy broads
  10. No. Traumatic brain injuries and attempted murder are not funny. Trying to dehumanize him by stating he is homosexual is disgusting
  11. I’m sure you were sickened at Trump’s comments after Pelosi’s husband was nearly brained in his home. I must have missed that post
  12. Just how many people have you killed
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