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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Give trump Georgia’s 16 EV and NE 1. Even if WI goes trump with Harris, I believe she keeps all the other states Biden won last time. I really don’t think Biden will do so.
  2. What we really need is an accurate poll of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada. I don’t know how you get an accurate poll of them, but that’s going to be the difference. If Biden can’t win those, can’t win the presidency. IMO if you can’t get those data you have to move on. The risk is too great
  3. If he’s going to run he needs to start running and
  4. What do you put in a pack for a 10 mile hike?
  5. The problem is the fucksticks in Biden’s inner circle probably now consider her the main threat to his reelection
  6. The independents are going to decide this. They’re not going to come out for Joe.
  7. I’ve been taking care of elderly patients for close to 30 years. Plus have seen family members age. When you get to the point Biden is at, pretty much every new day is the best you are ever going to see from them. This is a shitshow of immeasurable dimensions
  8. All these maga democrats out here sowing discord and spreading disinformation for Putin
  9. Would be nice if Joe would get on live national television and take credit for it
  10. You mean like what is going to happen every day on every channel until Election Day?
  11. What do you mean? The sun’s out and there’s no wind AT ALL
  12. Literally everywhere. It’s Galveston
  13. We’re going to get Senator Kari Lake aren’t we?
  14. At some point the Muslim areas are going to start popping off. I assume that happens well before all the available men are lost to the meat grinder
  15. This was my first impression Now I just don’t know
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