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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Cool. Maybe think about some of the topics you think are worthy of discussion and drop back in sometime
  2. I think the best thing for him will be to go to a team with an established starter where he can watch and learn for a couple of years. The game needs to slow down for him. Sadly that’s rare these days. I think if he stays healthy he’s definitely good enough to take this team to the playoff final. I’m most worried about Auburn’s apparent yips
  3. Ah yes. Complain that you will be negged to Bolivia if you venture to post an opinion in CR. Several posters genuinely and politely ask you for examples. Then deflect and when politely pressed, leave because you don’t think a truce is possible. Sure doesn’t seem like you truly want a dialogue
  4. Deflection. I’m starting to sense a lack of good faith here
  5. If you want to be taken for making a good faith argument for persecution it is incumbent upon you to list the beliefs you hold and feel are verboten
  6. I haven’t seen one play this whole season live. I think it’s taken 10 points off my BP
  7. Why are these idiots running? Is there a general admission section at Jerryworld?
  8. Again you don’t know what mainstream means. I gave you the definition but I can’t read it for you or make you understand it
  9. You seem not to know the definition of mainstream. I posted it upthread you should learn it
  10. We are talking about mainstream media not legacy media
  11. How am I hypocritical? Because I’m through being nice to assholes who are actively harming my loved ones? Fuck them and fuck you. If you want to repent of your despicable words and attitudes I’m willing to have reasonable discussions. Until then I will show you and your kind the same level of decency you have shown mine
  12. “Mainstream” is any source that doesn’t feed him what he wants to hear
  13. How dare you use data to refute his misunderstanding of what the word “mainstream” means.
  14. You talking about icono gleefully ranting about the coming regime’s retribution on surly posters and his looking forward to being an active participant in ensuring their suffering? Or maybe his prior posts about heading down to the border to shoot people trying to cross (of course only rubber bullets would be used) I totally agree. He and those who sympathize with him should be awfully ashamed and should do some deep introspection
  15. So you agree that most people get their news from sources other than NBC ABC and CBS?
  16. Are you arguing that more people consume content from ABC NBC and CBS than from the other sources mentioned between BC’s, Twice’s and my posts?
  17. Most media consumption is online, and it would be hard to argue that mainstream online media platforms are leftist. The legacy media - OTA stations, cable news, and print media - are mosty owned and controlled by conservative billionaires. CNN has taken a sharp turn to the right under the new ownership. Washington Post and LA Times were forbidden by their oligarch owners from endorsing a presidential candidate.
  18. Just saw the average SS benefit is 2000 per month. Does anyone know if the Medicare prescription cap of 2000 per year is still going to go in effect after Jan 1?
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