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Red Five

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Red Five

  1. Wow.  So if we don't find somewhere for him to land, then next year it's "Hi, honey.   I couldn't get a better situation together so I want you back, but just for one year."  THAT will certainly work out well for everyone...

    It’s completely fucking ridiculous for many reasons. I’m sure “Texas didn’t fire their coach because they couldn’t afford to” will be a great look for the program and for recruiting.
  2. From IT:
    - He's likely back next year as CDC isn't going to pay to buy him and the assistants out
    - However, helping Shaka find a job is something CDC might do, and that would help.  This is where WF makes the most sense due to relationships with the AD, but WF has an issue themselves and that's paying Mannings buyout. 
    - Summarry--unless another school comes calling for Smart, he will be back next year. 

    If we’re trying to find him a job somewhere, how is he “likely back”?
  3. Obama wasn’t a real Christian because one time his pastor said something sort of mean.

    Trump fucks porn stars, and goes through the deadly sins like Kevin Spacey in Seven. “No problem! Hand of God! Or something.”

    • Like 2
  4. 56 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    How many times are you guys gonna buy into the deep tease, only for it to go nowhere? Third party, unsourced reports of JUST TOTALLY INSANE STUFF that in the end is never confirmed (though many choose to believe it's true anyway, its just Trump playing 4D chess).

    How many "make you dick bigger pills" do you have to buy until you realize nothing is gonna make your dick bigger?

    I know right? I mean the investigation keeps coming to and end, and the reports keep coming out, and Trump is totally vindicated every time! Just grinds my gears dammit! Well maybe this time it will be different. 

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  5. 31 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    the buyout is expensive but it only drops 3 million next year. Is $3 million worth our program being absolutely horrible next year, it killing our recruiting and leaving the program in a generally horrible state for the next coach? 

    This part drives me nuts. Like CDC is going to bring back a coach who needs to be canned for another year in order to shave $3 million off of $13 million. 

  6. I am all in for firing Shaka as soon as KU crushes us in the first round of the Big XII tourney but my problem is who are we going to convince to come here?
    We will not just be able to "get" whomever we want.

    I hate this mentality so much.
    • Like 1
  7. It's amazing ya'll think $20 million in buyouts is just some chump change for Texas when they're in the middle of all type of construction projects. 
    Shaka needs to be fired but the idea Texas can find $20 million when none of the BMD's want to contribute is funny. 

    I think it would be cheaper to fire Shaka now and hire Hoiberg than it would be to fire Shaka after 2020 and deal with x coach’s buyout plus Shaka’s.
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