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Red Five

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Red Five

  1. i'm surprised Hans von Spakovsky is an actual person and not a name trump just made up.  but i'm totally not surprised he looks like this:

    In case anyone is confused, that’s the dude that helped Belloq hunt down the Ark of the Covenant.
    • Like 8
  2. So I had a conversation w/ an old hs friend who is a full on Trumpster who has gone off the religious right deep end.  His answer?  I shit you not:  "That was before he'd been saved, if God forgives him I can.'  I followed this statement w/ a smartass "I've been away from the church for a few decades and didn't realize paying off porn stars now counted as penitence."
    His response "We should change the subject and agree to disagree".  Fuck hypocritical Christians...which is damn near every one of them. 

    Sounds similar to what I experienced last night. Super religious cousin couldn’t even bring himself to admit that Trump may not be a great guy. But full on blinding hatred for AOC, Obama, and Hillary.
  3. I had dinner tonight with a family member I like a lot, and who is very intelligent. He also always votes republican, and is super religious. We spoke very briefly about politics, and he told me how much he hates AOC, and how the Mueller investigation is being shut down because “they have nothing on Trump”. I said “if nothing else, don’t you just find him to be a completely despicable human being?”. He just kind of shrugged and we changed the subject. I really hate what politics does to some people’s brains.

  4. “What a lovely house you have here.... oh wait what is that over there separating the living room from the kitchen? Is that a WALL?? Oh gee I thought walls were bad you stupid libcucktard. Owned!”

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  5. Tech lost four seniors and a first round pick and they’re 25-5 and probably gonna win the league. We lost a first rounder and replaced him with a first rounder and we’re 16-14.

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  6. I just do not get the galindo haters.  The guy has a good voice, is a fan of the program, and clearly has a passion for his job and UT sports.  No reason to hate on the guy the way our fans do.  Is he perfect?  no.  who is?  is he a good ambassador for our programs and energetic with broadcasts?  Yes.  He is.  It's a tier 3 dedicated network.  we aren't getting the ghost of Keith Jackson.  

    Because he’s terrible. I like it when Keith and Greg openly mock him on air. Also I’m pretty sure Ricky Williams wants to murder him.
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