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Acronyms are hard huh dipshit?
All this SEC investigation stuff seems weird to me. You've got stuff going on at LSU, Tennessee, Florida, and now possibly UGA? And they supposedly told Bama no on Bo Davis? Why now?
Chef Hamm with the seafood yall
Not crazy about the 3-3-5.
Saban likely flopped his dick on the table. Fuck.
Theres no way this deal is over. Sark hasnt fired a single bullet on our behalf. Ewers legitimately likes us a lot. We already told him we are basically going to design an NIL campaign around him. I dont know if that will be enough, but theres no way the kid isnt going to second guess the Ohio State deal if Sark makes him a priority.
To be fair I just threw out a likely scenario knowing it’s got a good shot of being true.
He died from a prolapsed rectum after following a bunch of corps members into a bathroom.
This is the kind of shit we dont need.
Our bag program under Strong and Herman has been decent. We really don’t have that far to go, we just need more sophistication and organization. I’m seeing a lot of names for these hires that could bring us up to speed over the offseason. It’s great that Sark has learned that side of the game from two of the best to ever do it (Carroll and Saban), but he’s gonna need sophisticated assistants that will be smart about setting it up properly. We lack reliable donor/alum infrastructure. It’s just not something that we have ever been able to set up here, and it’s 100% necessary to compete nowadays.
Lupoi is such an important hire that we should do everything possible to bring him on just short of making him the actual DC. I think I’d like to keep Ash and hire Lupoi as a handsomely paid Co-DC/DL coach with no play calling responsibilities.
I really think it was OU. I think everyone on our side felt like we shouldve won the conference this year. Once we limped out of the gate with Tech everyone knew we were in for trouble. Then we lose to TCU. Then we cant get it done against OU. Thats when the Meyer stuff really heated up.
But after Dec. 5th, my text thread went completely silent. I documented all of that in real time in this thread. I got all sorts of little hints from good places that UM was still in play, so that’s what I stuck to. UM himself told us he was happy with our offer. I really thought everything was just smoke and that we would announce UM when his guys were ready to join him. I posted last night that Herman getting fired today wouldn’t make sense to me. Then today there was weird activity with good donors saying there’s no way Steve Sarkisian was anything more than a distraction. But the news kept getting more serious.
Then after the OU game, my text thread lit up like a Christmas tree and the talk was big about blah blah we don’t have to do this anymore we can just hire UM. Throughout the rest of the season UM was communicating with us about the job. Fast forward to the K State game, and that text thread starts celebrating about UM. Then a whole bunch of peripheral UT people got all excited about UM. That’s when I told this thread that I was “all in”.
I had very good donor insight up until Dec. 5th. There were two donors that I knew from the Charlie years that had me on a text thread. I earned my way onto that thread. I don’t have the $$$ to help, but I have the life long devotion. So I help where and how I can. Or I did, I’m not as young as I used to be. I have good insight from both the Dallas and Houston side as a result. The Houston side hasn’t meant much in this latest saga, they had their chance at the plate with Herman and it just didn’t work out. The Dallas guys on my text thread started talking about UM last season. Basically saying that UM is sending us major signals that he wants to be courted. Those same guys were saying stuff like “Urban told us what a joke this game was” or “Urban says Herman is meddling with the play calling.”
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