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Everything posted by Caddox

  1. That Lindbergh or Majors? Does it even matter?
  2. Im rail thin but I finally made it to 205 in my 30s. He just really needs to focus on liquid bread.
  3. Kind of a fun watch. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2647420/
  4. All they or their parents have to do is post about it on social media and it would cause a shitstorm. Imagine if some parent posted "Man A&M is dirty as fuck trying to buy my son like he's a slave" and then posted a pic of a bag filled with money. Then a million fans tweet it at the NCAA account. Not saying it would result in anything but it would cause quite a stir to say the least and Im surprised it doesn't happen more.
  5. It's like 24 for millennial pussies.
  6. Cam Newton is the ultimate example. Dad started a bidding war and Auburn won. Insane ROI.
  7. Freeze is an absolute moron. People that don’t think we play the game when the board is set up to our liking live in a fantasy world. We just don’t participate in some really gross stuff and it costs us recruits. I’m good with it but sometimes it hurts.
  8. Yep. Jimbo knows how to play the game. As long as you have someone like him to keep the retards in line it’s very hard to fuck up. The NCAA just gives a ton of leeway now. The SEC is a protected brand. We could absolutely get away with what we want around here. We are a protected brand as well. It just takes the right guy. I trust Herman to know how far to take it. Not sure he has the same booster support but that will come with time as long as we are convinced this is worth a long term investment and some reasonable exposure.
  9. Who is talking about altruism? I’m talking about paying kids for their football abilities and preferring that the actual kid or their family gets the money and not some creepball like Willie Lyles.
  10. Depending on that actual situation they’re doing exactly what they should be doing. As long as its straight up pay for play and the money is going to the kid or his family then I don’t have a problem with it. Obv they don’t care if that’s the case or not but neither do LSU and bama.
  11. Like I said, the ags are more organized than us right now. Not saying we aren’t competitive. Just saying they’re currently set up to benefit from this model more than we are in state and that’s going to be frustrating. We need massive help in D/FW.
  12. Btw, the recruiting game has changed quite a bit in state. It’s cleaner but more sophisticated. Herman, Jimbo, and Riley all know how to play it very well. Jimbo has been extremely efficient at setting up his infrastructure in state. The ags are more organized than us. Used to be all about the hs coaches. All I’ll say is 7 on 7 is very popular in Texas these days.
  13. There are shades of grey. The problem with running these programs is it’s all a case by case basis. And sometimes the details change abruptly in the middle of the recruitment. If you come across a sophisticated recruit with parents that are stable, arrangements can safely be made when there is an “ask” which is basically the price. These people are not the norm in these scenarios. We historically won’t deal with people we believe are taking advantage of these kids. SOME schools basically sponsor those people. Paying kids is not scummy. Paying street agents or family members that are bad actors is very scummy.
  14. Jack Ryan is terrible. My wife and I were laughing at the dialogue and acting.
  15. Just paddling and its all done outside of the organization in the smaller groups you're associated with. Prods haven't been around since we got back on campus. GDI's didn't do any of it, and were generally so smart they were probably studying with all their double majors plan 2 business honors stuff. Pretty soon that kind of curriculum will be considered hazing.
  16. That would just be stupid and I am extremely skeptical to say the least. Who knows who is saying this stuff, probably people like phdhorn. Girls and people outside of the organization make shit up about this stuff all the time.
  17. Well your son doesn't know what he's talking about at best. And now that I see you're former faculty I'm not shocked you're using bubble hyperbole to describe the horrors of hazing. Cowboys barely has any hazing left, and whatever they're calling hazing here is by the strictest (and dumbest) definition of the word. The idea that they're the worst on campus is hilarious, they aren't anywhere close. And shocker that you're accusing them of forcing people to get drunk and drive anywhere, you're a moron that cares very little about the reality of what happened. Your son's information is so far off the mark I'm starting to just think you're making stuff up.
  18. Well you either have to be selected in your fraternity or you have to go through a long interview process with an alumni board to even get invited. Are you telling me your son fell into one of those two categories and in the end turned it down?
  19. You've done your son a real disservice. It's probably difficult to understand the doors it likely would open for him if you're this unfamiliar with the organization, but if he's actually lucky enough to be selected it will be one of the best decisions he could make. Wonderful organization with an actual commitment to serving the community and especially the University. And if you're actually that scared of junior getting paddled you certainly don't have to worry about it anymore.
  20. They made the choice to leave when they were asked not to. The kid who died made the choice not to wear his seatbelt. The kid driving had a BAC level of 0.0. Anyone trying to blame the Cowboys for this can suck a fat dick. Hilarious seeing a hellraiser (as embarrassing as anything going at aggy) calling for their heads.
  21. Who cares? The perennial powerhouses these days are all dirty as shit. Its ridiculous if we aren't playing the game to the level other schools are.
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