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Everything posted by DonnyKerabatsos

  1. we got power back last night, Augusta area. got a few more white hairs in my beard after Friday morning. Pretty relentless from 3am-6am here. Track of the storm went exactly as predicted 5 days out. With 2 days to go the track magically shifted west to include Metro Atlanta and Nashville. Gotta pump up those sales!
  2. https://victoryseeds.com/products/elite-southern-pea https://victoryseeds.com/products/fagiolino-dolico-di-veneto-cowpea https://victoryseeds.com/products/champion-southern-pea https://victoryseeds.com/products/coronet-southern-pea this is what you need.
  3. get some sunflower going, they really help your soils and keep the wild birds from destroying other things in the garden. they will finish by the time your interested in starting in the late summer. try and get some determinate tomatoes started by 4th of July and have them ready to plant out by mid August. They will finish before frost. Okra and bush beans can start late as well. By mid october you should be ready to plant in some leaf lettuces, onions, and strawberries if you can find them.
  4. BT spray. get some, apply after rain or every few weeks.
  5. harvest taters when the plant looks like its about to die.
  6. gotta stay on top of the cowpeas once they start coming in. If the pods harden and become mature seed the plants will quit producing... I generally harvest them twice a day to keep up. I have been gardening for 20+ years, there is nothing better from the garden then fresh peas. A great watermelon is second.
  7. 1. Michigan 2. Florida St 3. Texas 4. Alabama the PAC 12 is dead.
  8. says the biggest idiot in the thread....
  9. that would be you, Chief.
  10. Can somebody post the video of the holding call, I had tuned out for a second.
  11. that bone blowing out of his shin in slo motion was rather gnarly.
  12. i pull mine off the smoke around 185f. steam finish in big pan to 206. carve and eat the following day. reheat sliced meat on the griddle.
  13. He is a two-time national coach of the year, three-time conference coach of the year But he hasnt won a conference title like Tom Herman or Charlie Strong. Sucks indeed.
  14. The cowards will not win Dude. Thanks Immamac.
  15. the game cams tell the whole story. It is incredibly rare to see a mature spike like that. Luckily we have a few guys that actually prefer to hunt the mutants that we do get from time to time. Generally we will get some weird 7 points that go 5 x 2 or so. The gene that we see usually goes about 18 - 20 wide and those deer look pretty cool. We used to have some slick 6 points without brow tines, but we have noticed that when the range is in good shape we hardily see anything that is freak. Diet and water make such a huge difference. These results have been consistent in both Irion and Menard counties.
  16. the absolute #1 improvement we made about 15 years ago was no longer allowing hunters to kill "spikes". The neighbors reluctantly agreed to do the same a few years later. 95% of the spikes these guys were killing were simply 1st year deer who were just breaking out in mid December. We run game cams and print out target pictures and make a guide book for each member to posses. This has helped a ton in regards to eliminating the happy trigger pulls on the 3-5 year old deer. Also culling our members on the property to actual hunters who are willing to put in more than just 3 sits a season, and guys who would bring their family and friends along and allow them to shoot whatever walked out first. I run protein in a timed feeder at midnight from Memorial Day till Labor Day, and run the free range protein feeders from Halloween till mid March. The mature bucks will dominate the herd at the midnight feedings. We do not feed corn. Stands are placed on trail lines between cover and water, and the majority of our hunters prefer to hunt between 9am-4pm. Our overall success rate has improved dramatically. I mix in some milo in the timed feeders for the quail and turkey, and we try and burn pasture when the weather allows. Generally about every 4-6 years. Cattle and goats will unknowingly trample quail nests. But, the most important thing is always the timing of the rain. Mother Nature is the biggest factor in the success of our places. Quail need tons of bugs in the spring.
  17. missed too many free throws. 👇
  18. Cornell, Washington Universit of St Louis
  19. baking pizza at home I follow the oyster "r" month rule. Too damn hot. the deep dish styles can be done with less heat from the oven, but my gut and body feel like hot shit after eating that heavy pie in the warm months.
  20. The lawsuit was ruled on by a judge in houston. Their council was a firm outta dallas. My brother needs to find out what to do next.
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