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  1. I may jump back in to raise some paragon levels but I'm not sure. I feel you on trying to get passives, or worse for me, a bunch of + to specific skills on an amulet.
  2. Finished out the season the other night. I could not get mythic chest to drop at all. Bone Spear wasn't a bad build, but some of the gear was almost impossible to get the necessary rolls for. Watching some other builds just lol their way through mobs made me think I chose wrong.
  3. Right, but my thought was, being able to changing the game speed would result in having more ages for you to go through, versus having a condensed game would result in having the condensed ages we will have in game currently.
  4. Also sounds like warfare is very good this go round. I know there are only 3 ages, kind of wish or hope there's an option to break those up in the future. A standard game maybe you play Ancient/Classical -Medieval/Exploration - Industrial/Modern? But if you play a long game you get full fledged ages with tech trees in each age. Ancient - Classical - Medieval - Renaissance - Industrial - Modern
  5. I've mostly heard people bashing the UI. I agree there probably needs to be a solid balance pass because SpiffingBrit was stacking bonuses to get Roman Legions hitting as hard as modern tanks, but that's what he does. It seems some people have said that, after a little bit of playing, everything seems to "click" and it's really fun. I hope they open up the game so modders can do some true modding this time around, like what they used to do with Civ 4.
  6. I went bone spear necro. I'm enjoying it but I take a lot of damage and I don't know if that is from me casting the spells, piercing damage from my own spell, or if the monsters are hitting me. Not enough damage to die, but enough to lower my health and I have to use potions. https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/bone-spear-necromancer-guide
  7. I second everyone's sentiments. It felt like an "old man" game to me and I loved it. In that I mean, it respected your time (other than the weird check point save stuff). Solid story, adjustable difficulty for fighting, puzzles that weren't overly complex, and if you wanted to go 100% there are maps in game that you can buy with in game money to show you everything. I could pick it up and put it down as time permitted. I really enjoyed it. I did not enjoy whatever producer forced the airplane mission on us. That felt confusing, needless, and rushed.
  8. I hope the FAA person at the time of the incident looks like Powder so at a minimum someone, anyone, could say not DEI and maybe we could carry on like adults to look into the tragedy instead of trying to create a bullshit story out of thin air.
  9. You just going to ignore every Texas DE that played here since 2000?
  10. what a bunch of insufferable jizz knuckles
  11. I think too many people miss Chamberlain's clear understanding that the England was in no position to fight a war that early. I think there is some evidence that suggests he knew he didn't really buy peace but he bought time for them to catch up with production. And yes, Trump is not a Chamberlain.
  12. Finished the season track and all objectives last night. May still play a bit to knock out some other stuff, but t his was enjoyable (SB quill volley of course). Wasn't a huge fan of the expansion campaign story. I felt like it just wasn't very good.
  13. Yeah, I had read that as well this morning. Just terrible all around. ...dude
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